Rubbish everywhere!!!

Posted: 29 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

What a dirty road!!!!

Have you ever seen a dirty road with full of
RUBBISH??? Could you imagine how dirty is the road on the above pic?? I am sure all of you out there (esp. M'sians) have been to "Pasar Malam"/ Night Market rite?? And I also very concern that a lot of people will throw the rubbish everywhere if they went to the "Pasar Malam".. The pic on the above was taken after a "Pasar Malam"/Night Market at a town that sort of popular in Petaling Jaya.. I am not going to tell where the exact place is.. But some of you will know where is it if you know where do I stay la..hehe..

Hmm..don't you feel yucky/disgusting when you look at those rubbish??? Why do a lot of people still wanna throw the rubbish everywhere?? I am not sure that if any provided by the Majistret at "pasar malam"... If there is no, we, as a public should not throw the rubbish in this way rite?? We can throw the rubbish in the rubbish bin if we saw there is rubbish bin used by the stall hawkers. Or else, we keep the rubbish in the plastic bag and throw it away when we reach home.. I don't think its a hard work if we do so rite?? Our earth today is facing with "Global Warming". It is an serious issue..we have to take care of our earth so that we can live safely in this world.

Love ourselves, Love our earth. We can make a difference!

Egg tart of Pepsi??

Posted: 26 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

Hey hey all of you out there^^
I have encountered a nice dessert and wanna share with you all!!!

The nice dessert is " Egg Tart"!!
At the 1st time I tried it, I quickly fell in love with it..
It taste awesome & soft!!
It's temptating..Alluring...
If you wanna assure of what I said,
You can get this "Awesome & soft Egg Tart" at Tom King in 1U...
Its located at "old wing".

The above pic shows that how the shop look like..
Don't forget to stop by and have a try on the "awesome" egg tart..
though you not sure whether it tastes good or not..
just have a try and you definitely will like it..
They have sampling for you to try on the spot..
Don't be shy or afraid..I can guarantee you that it is 100% tasty!!!
hahaha...if you not agree with it..then...then..just forget of what I had said ya..

Jeng^^ Jeng^^^ Jeng^^^ Here is how the "egg tart" look like...
DoN't be afraid that why there are different colors..
actually there are various kind of flavors..
The flavors are original flavor, coffee flavor,
white egg(egg without the yellow yolk) flavor, green tea flavor,
teh tarik flavor, durian flavor..i think that's all ler..
The price is between RM1.60-RM2.00..
Quite reasonable as the shop is located at 1U..

Let's welcome..
Soft drink that all of us also familiar with...
yeah~ Pepsi..ask for more babe...!!!
This Pepsi is made in Japan..
You can get this at 100 Yen..cost RM4.90.
Pepsi "can collectors" and those fancy in Japan stuff, you sure won't miss this.
The difference of its outlook and those we used to buy in Malaysia is totally not the same.
The Pepsi we have here is 250ml..but it's 500ml..
& the outlook is taller than the normal can of Pepsi in Malaysia.

P/s: I personally like to eat egg tart a lot, if you know any shop or place that have TASTY egg tart,don't hesitate to let me know ya. I will be very much appreciate of your sharing!!

FreAky & BuZy week!!

Posted: 24 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

Arrrrrrrr!!!! This week gonna be a "fReaky & buZy" week for me.. Cause there are mid term exams and presentation during this week. Oh my gosh, I really "sienz" with this kind of environment la!!!

Please oh please...Mr.Laziness please get rid of me..I don't want to be a lazy person.. If I keep on like this, I will fail in my studies!!! Dear heavenly father lord, please guide my hand and my mind..strengthen me with your holy the name of our Holy God I pray..Amen..

The buZy schedule for this week:
25/02-Cultural Communication Mid Term
27/02-Crisis Management in PR Presentation
28/02-Advanced PR writing Mid Term
29/02-APRW Brochure Script Assignment

It's Pei Lee Bday^^

Posted: 24 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

"222" does it seems like a lottery number?? wrong wrong... It represents someone's Bday!!! It's Pei Lee Bday!! Yeah..she is my adorable coursemate!!! She was celebrating her 23rd bday on that day..if I am not mistaken ya!! hehehe..paiseh neh~!~

We've been to "WongKok Char Chan Teng" at SS2 to celebrate with her ler..
& we had lot of fun there as well!!

Here she is - "Leng Lui Pei Lee" what shown on her forehead was "Happi Bday to pretty gal" She definitely look pretty on that day..if she always keep this look (I mean put some make up ya), many guys sure will fall in love with her!!
Here we go..The 7 girls & 1 guy took pic with our pretty classmate~!~
Oh my God...what a big glass!!! Pei lee, u sure can put your head inside it ler..wakakaka..jk jk^^
Can you see clearly of how pretty is our Pei Lee??? Wanna be friend with her??? Leave me a comment ya then I will tell you...kekekeke^~^
Yeah.."yam seng!!!!" Big glass vs. Small glasses!!! oopss...whose head under those glasses?? Not afraid if all the glasses fall on your head???
Hooray~~ Happi Bday to our pretty gal-Pei Lee!!!! hey..2 gals at the back don't throw the glass away ya~!~
arrrrrrrrrrr......What is this guy doing??? Wanna lick our pretty galz?? Oh my God, can you imagine this guy is also can't control of himself as our Pei Lee is so pretty!!!!

After we finished makan at Wong Kok, then we went to Party K Box to continue to have more fun.. We "Sing K" until 1.30 am in the morning!!!! Are we crazy?? No..You are wrong!! This is call fun babe^^ yeah..& I never had much fun than this...Anyway, wishing Pei Lee has a Happi Bday and may your dream come true ya!! I also wanna take this opportunity to thx my coursemates that having fun with me all the nite^^

On 20/02/08

Posted: 21 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

In the early morning of 20/02/08...

At 4' o clock in the early morning, i went to "mamak stalls" with my friend to have my breakfast. I had ordered a "Double Indo Mee " with an egg on it. I thought it won't be too much for it as usually the "Single Indo Mee" that i order was not really enough for me. So, I would like to try the "double" one.. After I eat and eat and eat..I felt I couldn't finished it already. But I still forcing myself to finish it. Cz we should not wasting food rite?? However, I still not able to finish it. Sigh..what a waste!!! Next time, I won't order "Double Indo Mee" anymore la..unless there is someone share with me ler..hehehe^.^

After breakfast, then me and my friend walked to home. On the way back to home, we passed by the "Pasar Pagi" whereby there were some hawkers preparing to start their business, setting up their stalls and so on.. Surprisingly, we saw somethings that captured our eyes..Oink..oInk...Oink!!! yeah, its "Pig" laying deadly on the stall's table. They have been cut into half!! I wondered how did the butcher cut them in such a way?? So champion man...cut from the head till the tail. It's totally become "two half pig"!!
After that, we saw a place which no any light has been turned on. Does it looks "romantic"?? Can you all figure out what place in the above pic?? It's a bank whereby there are ATM machines, Cheque & Cash Deposit machine in it. Oh my goodness, how could it no any light turning on in this particular place?? I am not sure that the lights have been burned out or not functioning..but it's really dangerous for someone who wants to do some cash or cheque transactions there. What if there is a robber or snatch theft?? Anyway, I won't tell which back is this ya..
In the evening, I went to KL to look for the information of my assignment. Then I saw this "little" escalator that only fit for a person!! I think it's only suite in the small plaza whereby less people hanging around at there ler..hehehe..1st time I saw this..Have you taken this escalator before??
After tired of searching for information, then i went to makan at Sg wang in the Hong Kong Kim Gary Restaurant. I ordered the above dishes-"Stone Grilled Rice in Korean Style". It's a set meal which include drink and soup as well. Cost RM15.90...
Jeng jeng jeng...don't looking at me with your "red" eyes ya!!! I am ready eat lo!! So sorry I cant share with you..wakakakaka...

on 17/02/08 ^ Part 2^

Posted: 19 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

The Part 2 on the day -17/02/08

Do you know where i s the place that shown in the pic below??It's Sushi King restaurant at Sec 14...can u c~ many nice sushis are queuing up!!
They are yelling n begging on you- pick me!! pick me!! I'm nice to eat!!
This is namely "Fried Prawn sushi"..I like it so so so much!! hmm...can I have 1 more plate please??
Sorrieee to u all's just left 1 only~ hehehe..hope u dun angry ya!!
Come here...let me feed you with the last sushi that I have..ahhhhh~ open your big wide mouth!!

After finished eating at sushi king,then i went to the Jaya 33. I saw something special in the Jaya Grocer. Let's check it out what I had seen there!!

Have you ever seen these kind of "Apple"?? It's Rm14.90 each!!! Could you imagine you can eat how many plate of "zap fan"/"nasi campur" with this amount?? My oh my..I assume only the rich people will buy this kind of "apple" lol.. Am I right?? Japanese "sweet" Mitsu Apple..don't know true or not...hahaha~

Could you figure out what fruit is this??? It's look like pear ler..Bingo!! It's a pear..and it's a "Red" pear!! Look a bit weird rite?? Wish I could taste it~~
Other than that, I found out that there were Sprite soft drinks made in Japan!! It's cost RM3.99!! Not sure the taste same with the sprite we used to buy at M'sia or not ler..Heyhey youyou!!!! Have you drank this "CocaCola Cheery"??? Its made in UK man!! Cost RM5.10!!
and there is "CocaCola Zero" which meant to be "great Coke taste zero sugar" UK product & cost RM5.10!!some more some more..the UK products also have "Diet Coke Caffeine free" I wonder Coke really have caffeine?? I guess so..a lot of people are addicted to drink coke might be of this reason..
More than that, they also has this "Diet Coke with cherry!!" How do it tastes like?? Do you all out there wanna taste it?? If yes, don't hesitate to go to Jaya Grocer and have 1 ya~~

The last thing I like a bout is this special bottle of CocaCola that also sell in Jaya Grocer!! Made in Japan too...whoever has the hobby of collecting Coke thingy, can go there and buy it as well..

That's all for what I had taken along the day of 17/02/08~

Many new things I had encountered in just half of a day...
My advice to all out there is don't just stay at home when you are free,
go out and you may discover something that you are unexpected of!!!

On 17/02/08 ^Part 1^

Posted: 18 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

On 17/02/2008 >>Sunday<<

In the early sunny morning, on the way to take my breakfast at HingLong in SS2. I saw 2 "lion dance" sat on the road. There were lot of people standing & watched the "lion dance" performance. Me myself also went near to see see lo..I was curious why were the "lion dance" sat on the road??? Then I asked my friends..they said its one of their performances...

The "lion dance" with the head bow down on the road was peeling the "mandarin oranges" as the oranges were hiding under the "lion head". It is because they (the one who perform the "lion dance") are peeling the oranges with their hands. They have to do it that way as it could show that the oranges were peeled by the "lion dance" but not by them!! hahaha..I wish I did not interpret wrong ler...
wah~~ this one more"geng"..u see it climbed so high!! There was only 1 people up there neh!! It climbed so high as to get the "vege with angpau". This so called "cai qing" in mandarin. This act usually is the climate of a normal performance by the lion dance.

So far, I did not know much about the history or even the various performances of the "lion dance". I like to watch "lion dance" performance since I was a kid because the "lion dance" has various kind of colors. I like the Red the most as it portrays the ambient of the Chinese New Year!!

If you all have more knowledge on this, don't hesitate to write comment and share with me that I could know more about it..

Unique fruit

Posted: 16 February 2008 by Lisa717 in

What is this????
Can it be eaten???
sure it can be eaten!!
Its namely "Talap"

Have you all seen this kind of fruit b4??? If I am nt mistaken, it does not exist at penisular of Msia ler. I just knew it can be found in Sabah..
Could you let me know where else can it be found??
It tastes sweet if it tastes sour then u know what happen la..means "buruk" adi!
Anyway, it's easy to know wheater it's "masak"/ripe or not ler.. You just need to press it whether it's "soft"/"lembik" or "hard" la..if "lembik" then it adi "masak"/ripe..
To open it also very easy, you do not need any tool to open it..just use ur bare hand!!
Hmm..quite hard to explain here of how to open it..if you hav hands then sure can open it^^
If you all wanna taste it..welcome to sabah n explore it urself ya!!

Happie Chinese New Year 鼠年行大运!!

Posted: 15 February 2008 by Lisa717 in


This is the first post I would to like introduce to u all out there~ Hope u all will leave some comment after view ya^^

Wishing you all always Gorgeous & Healthy & Prosperity throughout this year~!~ Gong Hei Fatt CHoy^~^

Here are some pictures I wanna share with you all during the the CNY'08^^
It's me with the gigantic lion dance head. This was taken at Times Square,Kl. is my pretty cousin~ She is the one taking care of me always!

Hmm...pinky girls~ Left: my sweet mummy; Right: pinky me!!
Don't we look alike??? Gonna miss my mummy as I am not with her all the time~

Watcha...I am still who I am~

My oh my~ my dearest sista n me!! wHat pose is tat?? piggie ar??

The yellow clothes one(Kerrry/hamkali) -my fellow old schoolmate,we used to crazy in high school before..Really miss the days with her..