It's Saturday again, guys!! Yea, glad that I could rest at home till the max!! I thought I could slept well last night as I did play badminton with my colleagues last night for about 2 hours. However, thing doesn't go as what I thought. I had nightmare last night!! Gosh..I can't believe of what I had dreamed about. The dream was sorry that I am not willing to let you guys know about it cz it's quite sad to me where the person that appeared in my dream has gone with our Lord, Jesus Christ in heaven. Maybe this nightmare is giving me the sign of loving myself, family, relatives, friends and etc. At the same time, it oso reminded me to treasure our love ones and don't ever do sth to hurt our love ones cz we don't know what might happen 2mr. Let's pray for our love ones to stay in peace with God's love and mercy all the time.
Hey Hey^^
Let's go to Food & Tea!!
Wait a minute, Food & Tea??
Yeap~ It's the "makan-makan" post again!!
I would like to share with you the Food & Tea Rest.
which located at Tropicana City Mall (TCM), SS2~
It was so happened to dine at this restaurant
where it was so happened that I have no idea
to hang out with my ex-housemates on that day too^^
(Sounds weird isn't it??)
Well, thanks my ex-housemates who brought me
"makan-makan" at this newly-opened restaurant!!
I'm sure you guys can't wait for the food!
Alright, let's scroll.. scroll.. down and down^^

I coudn't stop myself from starring at the
HK's night scene which placed on the wall^^

& yes, we were sitting on it!!!
Hmm..aren't they look like "Pumpkin" chair ??
Esp.the color and the shape is merely the same too^^

Frm Left: Grass Jelly, Tea in "HK" style with Grass Jelly
& Honey Peach Green Tea

Buttered Chicken Diced with Rice~
The taste of it was not what I had expected..sob..
Rate: 2.5/5

Stir-Fried Nissin Noodle with
Slice Beef~
This dish was the superb delicious
among what we had ordered!!
The slice beef is the most tentalizing
where you want to ask for more^^
*clapsss...thumbs up*
Rate: 4.5/5

my ex-housemate recommended this side order..
Smoked Ham Focaccia~
This was the 2nd yummyious dish of what we hav ordered!!
Rate: 4/5

I quickly camwhored with my ex-housemate!!!
Ahhaaa..her name is Evonne!!
Sorry guys, she is not available ya~~ hehehhee..
Thanks dear so much on the Food & Tea and
I m superb grateful that we got the chance
to hang out together finally after I
shifted to another house for a year++!!
I will always treasure the great moment we had..

Aren't they look like happily married couple??
Muahahahhaha..they not yet get married la..
But I'm sure it's going..on the way..very soon..
Hmm..we have sat at Food & Tea for about 3 hours!!
Yeap, we were not only "makan-ing"
but we did "sembang-ing" too!!
It's hardly for us to spend time together,
so I gotta thanks God for this very unexpected moment
I had with my dear ex-housemates^^
Once again,
thanks Evonne & Mr.Lee
for the time with me^.^
I'm here to wish both of you
stay healthy+wealthy always^^
God bless you & all the best..
Food & Tea Restaurant let me remember my 1st date wif my ah Pek around 3 years and 8 months ago...(the branch was located at Taman Segar juz beside Leisure Mall). ^-*