A day to KL^^

Posted: 30 March 2008 by Lisa717 in

Today (29/03/08), I went to KL with my dearest friends^^ hahaha..kinda happie can go out there to release my stress as I had struggled for my assignments more than 2 weeks. Eventually, I can go out there to have some fun..Let's check it out what I've gone & taken in the below pic..

After we reached Bkt Bintang Monorail Station,
then we go to Low Yat Plaza to have our lunch!

Hmm,can you figure it what we had eaten??
haha..can you see the big big Oysters??
It's a Handmade Mee Sua with Oysters!!
It's taste awesome, the Mee Sua was very smooth.
This dishes is a very famous food in Taiwan.
They encourage us to eat with a spoon only as how the Taiwanese do.
With a spoon, we can taste the delicious food thoroughly!!

Ha..the Handmade Mee Sua with Oysters can be eaten
in the above restaurant-Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks!!
So far due to my acknowledgement, it has branches at One Utama
and also in Low Yat Plaza.

This is their menu which hang on the ceiling.

This is how their seats look like inside the restaurant.

Before makan, took a pic with my dearest siao siao 1st!! hehe...
After that, we went to Sg.Wang for shopping.

While waiting for siao siao trying clothes in the fitting room,
I took some pics as I not intend to buy clothes
cz not enough money buy clothes ba..hehe..

This is our so called photographer ler..haha..
After shopping at Sg.Wang, then we go to Pavilion lo^^

On the way, we saw a Wine shop.
There's a decoration (on the above pic) really catch my eyes.
On this pic, you cant see any specialty.
In real, there is wine flows from the 2 bottles of the white wine..
Cool rite??

Finally, we arrived at Pavilion..

Yoyoh^^ This is the front look when we were in the Pavilion!!
It's a high class shopping mall as they are selling Branded thingy!!
If you wanna buy sth there..remember to prepare much money ya..
If not the Securities will stand in front you!!
Actually, we neither go there for shopping nor window shopping.
hahaha..is it silly?? I do think so..You know what we did there??
We went for photo snapping instead of shooping oni!!
Check it out..we had snapped 4 pics spontaneously with different pose!!

Gold fish mouth!Gold fish mouth+freaky face!Smile+Balloon face!Balloon face+Notty pose!

One more shot when I used my photographer CK sunglasses!!
Cool or not?? haha..jk nia..

One last shot and we were ready to go home!!
Which one is mine?? Can you figure it out??
Sure some of you can..as you often see I wear that shoes to go Uni.


Posted: 28 March 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , ,

Today, I would like to introduce a new restaurant near my campus. Have u all heard about Tappers?? Tappers is located in Jaya One at Section 13, PJ which is also near my campus. It's kinda like Old Town Kopitiam & Kluang Station whereby it sells tea, coffee, toast & other dishes as well. Oh ya, there are cakes too!! Does the name-Tappers sounds "musical"?? haha.."Tappers"..something like tap ur feet on the floor..[zZzzz..what am I talking about?] In the below pics are taken when i went there with my gal friends..

This is how the front look of Tappers!!

This is how the ceiling and the wall looks like..

This is how the environment in Tappers looks like..
don't it looks like old+classic English style?

These are what we order?
Frm left: Tapper Teh Ping (mine), Coke (cat) & Lime Juice (dini)!

All of the drinks above are RM2.50 each..

Ha..here comes my food-I have ordered:
Beans on Toast-RM1.50 & my drink as well.

& these are ordered by Cat-Kaya Butter Toast-RM1.20 and also her coke ler^^

After makan & minum~ Dini & Cat started to discuss on
what they should prepare & buy for the BBQ nite..
[what am I doing there?] haha..I am sure taking pics lo..
nth to do, taking pic is one of hobbies as well la^~^

ATTENTION: Students have 10% discount and there is WiFi.

Well, for me it is a nice place for discussion or doin assignments cz the drinks n foods there nt so expensive..n the environment is nice too..Just go & check it out ya..Happi Day^^

World Water Day - March 22nd

Posted: 27 March 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , ,

Mar 22nd is the World Water Day!
Do you know about that?

UNICEF estimates that over 1 billion people
in the world have little or
no access to
safe water!!

ONE DOLLAR = enough provide clean, safe water
40 children a day!

UNICEF has launched a campaign-Tap Project
to raise funds for the children in the world
to have safe drinking water.

Kindly watch the clip below ya^^

To get more information about the world water day please log on to tapproject.org

Never Give up!

Posted: 26 March 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , ,

Have you ever thought of giving up on sth as you face any difficulty in your life? Well, I really do have thought of it before.. This happened when I was feeling stressed + frustrated on my studies.. Why did I want to give up?? My excuse were couldn't cope up with tons of assignments and couldn't handle some problems between me and my friends.

I am not a "crying babe" as I will not let myself cry so easily or cry in front of people. However, my tears dropped eventually when I were in my room. Don't know why I couldn't control emotion at that time, my tears dropped so suddenly. At that time, I really want to give up my studies and also my life.. Is it worth if I really do so?

I did share my sorrows to some of friends and some of them had given me precious advice. I wanna thank them that I did not give up everything in my life. I also wanna thank to 1 of my Christian's friend who had told me that- "Our lives are full of challenges and obstacles, God is testing our patient and ability in handling our problems. Overcome the challenge in our lives is a must in the Growth Cycle." We have to experience the obstacles in our lives in order to be a mature and wise person. Every successful man/woman do experience it before. So, we have to stand firm and tough to overcome whatever challenges that we may face in our lives.

I realize that Give up = Run away from the problem. I assume that we used to run away from the problem we face in our lives as we do not want to work hard to overcome it. I admit that I am that kind of person, that's why I want to give up. After think twice and also absorb the precious advice from my dearest friends, I will keep on remind myself of not simply give up and never give up! I will try my best to overcome the problem/obstacle/ challenge in my life!

I do hope all of you out there don't simply say that you want to give up on something or anything. Take the challenge and overcome it with your whole hearted instead of giving up ya..

My Mickey Mp3^.^

Posted: 22 March 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

I am really glad that I have my own Mickey Mp3^~^
I've waited for so long to get it...
Eventually, I got it and I can bring it wherever I go!!
I've got the Black color 1 ler...
bt I also wanna get the "Gold" color which is a limited edition.
Actually, I wanna get all of the colors..
haha..does it sound "crazy" + "ridiculous"??
I do think so^^ I think not only I'd this thinking la..
sure many galz out there also had thought like this b4^^

nah nah nah~~ here is baby Mickey Mp3!!
Muacksss....love it so so so much!!

Hehe..why do I have the pink 1?? Is it mine too??
No no no..it's nt mine..it belongs to my coursemates-dini!!
Glad that my baby Mickey mp3 can take pic with her pinky Micky mp3!!
Now, they become "good friend" already!!

Actually the icons in the above pic can move 1..bt this bloghost-blogger cant support gif.file so u can't see the beautiful effect in the pic..too bad@.@

Good Day to all of you^^ "Long Live Mickey"!!

Resurrection of Jesus Christ-Easter Day!!

Posted: 22 March 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , ,

Tomorrow 23 Mar 08 is the day of the "Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion on Good Friday at Calvary". Christians will celebrate Easter Day in the remembrance of Jesus Christ who has risen from his crucifixion. It is the day of new life and new hope. This remembrance day called "Easter Day"!!

Many of us will ask why there is egg related to Easter Day? And during Eater Day celebration, you can see eggs are everywhere..What do eggs symbolise to??

It is the influence of the traditional spring rites that made Easter so egg-special. And myths coming down to us from an incredibly distant past have shown man's relationship with the egg to be very deep seated one. This is caught in old Latin proverb: Omne vivum ex ovo. This means "all life comes from an egg". (www.theholidayspot.com)

You can see the eggs below are being decorated and modified into different colors and types~

This is the ordinary color^^

Hmm..this 1 look classic and antique as well^^

Wow..this is cool!! There are glasses in egg shape whereby there is beautiful picture on it!!

haha..this 1 u all sure know about it rite?? Bingo~ It's chocolate in egg shape~ Do u know where can we buy this??

This looks creative whereby the eggs are placed in a "real" egg tray!! haha..the eggs actually are chocolates!! If I really had it, sure I will keep it in a nice place and won't eat it!!

No matter you are celebrating Easter with your family, peers, colleagues or alone^^ Do cheer and praise for our mighty God, Jesus Christ for He has born again 2,000 years ago!! If you have any sorrow or problem do pray to God ya..He will listen to you and He will make a way for you!!

21 Mar'08 - Good Friday

Posted: 21 March 2008 by Lisa717 in

Good Friday- A day to thank God, Jesus Christ who has crucified at Calvary. He took away our sins, pains, sorrows, diseases from us. How great is our God that he had sacrificed himself so that we could live happily and healthily.

Let us pray to God of His unconditioned and unfailing love to us. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. His love endures forever, forever God is faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us. Sing praise..Hallelujah~

I would like to share some pics with you all at below. It is taken during Good Friday Procession in Paola, 6th April 2007. Paola is a town in Malta.

Lastly, wish all of you esp. Christian's bro & sis have a Good Friday. Do pray and sing praise to God. I also wanna wish you all Happy Easter Day on this Sunday-23 Oct'08 in advance. May God stay with you all always and bless you in whatever you do, wherever you are. Amen...

p/s:The pics above are taken from www.flickr.com

7 zai^^ CJ7

Posted: 19 March 2008 by Lisa717 in

I'm sure that many of you out there have watched CJ7 right?? Tell you what, the cute character in the movie-7 zai is coming to town!! Not santa claus ya~ hahaha..what I mean is the 7 zai's soft toys are in the market now!! I bet many of you know or might not know about this..

7 zai is a famous character nowadays after the movie-CJ7 released in the cinema!! It is so- called a super dog from other planet^^ does it sound cool?? It can't speak bt it has a superb power whereby it can turn a rotten apple to a fresh apple. Moreover, in the climax of the movie is when 7 zai use all its power to rescue the main character-Xing Ye.

Anyway, I wanna show some pics about the 7 zai's soft toys, key chain & other accessories..
This is where I saw at one of the gift shop in 1 Utama..It costs RM19.90 (if I am not mistaken ya~) & this is what I've seen in the M'sia market so far, I am not sure it's original.. Oh ya, in SS2's pasar malam also started to sell 7 zai!! If you all wanna have a look at it b4 buy can go there see see ya^^ Hmm...what do you think from the 2 pics above?? Do u think it's original? I am not really sure abt tat..No matter its "Ori" or not, the 1st pic that 7 zai is hugging by a little gal look nice to hug right?? I wish to have 1 too!!

Ooppss^^ what's in the box?? Obviously, its 7 zai in it lo!! XOXO..yupe, this is an "Ori" 7 zai with copyright yo..don't play play ha~ It's originally from Shanghai,China!! It costs 51yuan =RM25++ ( Am I right?)

Here's how the Original with copyright 7 zai looks rite.. Do there has any difference from the other 3 pics that showed above?? Does this 7 zai has more quality than the other 3? For me, it's totally has more quality!! Can you see the fur/hair is softer than the other 3 .. Do you think so??

The above pic shows the "Ori" 7 zai's height is 21.5 cm & length is 11.5cm!! Wanna get more info.of it? Please go to

4 of the above pics are the 7 zai's key chains~ Don't they cute enough to hang on your key or wherever else?? I like their 3rd key chain..its a pose shows 7 zai has martial art to fight with the real dog. Unfortunately, it only imagination!! hahaha..

This is another version of 7 zai when he has no power storage in its body.. Costs 25 yuanEhhhh..why there is pink color 1?? is it 7 zai's girlfriend?? hehehe..looks adorable~Costs 8 yuan each.

Do you know what is this?? It's a cushion..Don't you wanna sit on it? hehe..Costs 186 yuan.

Hmm..here comes the 2nd last pic, I bet you all know abt it..It's a pillow!! Mummy, can I have this?? Feel warm when holding it..Costs 98 yuan.

Finally the last pic I wanna show, can you figure it out what's that? A pillow? A soft toy? No no no...all wrong~ It's a pillow massager!! haha..sounds cool right?? Wish to use it when I'm feeling tired..haha (don't keep dreaming la..Lisa) It costs 28.50 yuan.

All of the pics above except the 1st pic are taken from http://auction1.taobao.com
After watching at those pics.. Don't you wanna buy of one them??
hehehe..I'm glad to share this cute 7 zai with you all..
If I really have one, I will the post the pic here again..haha..adios^^