A song that reminds me of...

Posted: 30 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Currently, I kept on and on and on listening to a song that really soothes my heart and my mind. Furthermore, the lyric of this song did make me recall back the memory that when I started to have the feeling of crushed on one of my buddies.

I've forgotten since when I've lost the feeling of crush on someone. I realise that it is hardly to have such feeling as I grew older day by day..(ooppss..the way I talk seems I'm goin to die..aiks..*touchwood x 100times*)

I also dunno what's the reasons.. Mayb I wanna concerntrate on my studies?? Mayb I wanna concerntrate on earning more $$?? I used to think that teenagers easily to crush on someone & it happened to me way back to my high sch years..

Hmm..let me count how many boys I've crushed on..If I've not forgotten, I've crushed on not more than 5 boys..I did crush on a guy for more than 3 years..though it's not counted a long time but I missing it so much..(Lisa is *day dreaming* on her previous crushed!!)

Alrite, gotta stop crapping~~I don't want to reveal much on my so-called privacy..*grin*.. Well, the song that I mentioned is Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat. I'm sure many of you did listen to this song before. Anyway, I'm just lovin it!!

I would like to dedicate the song below with lyric to all of my readers!! Do sing along the song while listening to it ya^^

You may share your previous crushed or your present crush with me here..

I would love to be your loyal listener~~

Take care every1 & Happie Holiday^^

Selamat Hari Raya=Happie Holidays!!

Posted: 30 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

wanna share some pics that
I've camwhored at 1u shopping mall~
Hari Raya Puasa Celebration is around corner~
Wanna dedicate tis post esp.to the Muslim readers & communities^^
All of the pics below are the pretty decoration
of Hari Raya Puasa theme at 1U shopping mall^^
Although I'm not muslim but the classy decoration did capture my eyes,
so, I decided to take those pics down to share with ya all~

Wishing all of the Muslim have a pleasant
Hari Raya Puasa~~
& enjoy the pics below^^

Whoa~ Looks elegant right??
I felt I've been to the middle east country such as Dubai~~




I captured this classy+grand mosque at 2nd floor..
I Like the lighting+color combination very much^^




It's me with the mosque^^
Guess what, I took this at 1st floor..




Another side shot of the mosque, took this at 1st floor too^^




The front shot of the elegant+grand mosque^^




Can anyone of you tell me what's the name of the trees behind?? Aren't they the Palm Trees??




It really make me feel wanna go travel to overseas..




Hye~ Welcome to our shop.. wanna buy some cookies for Hari Raya??




Other than that, there's stalls selling Hari Raya's accessories right beside the Classy+Grand Hari Raya event..




That's all for this post~

Wish all of my readers out there

Happie Holidaysssss!!!!

God bless & Good day^^

I just WON a new W350i phone!!

Posted: 24 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Last two weeks, I adi received the email regarding that I've won the 2nd prize of the weekly prize in the Lady Speed Stick-Get Noticed Contest^^

My gosh, I can't believe at my eyes of what I've read & saw!! I just won the Sony Ericsson W350i cell phone!!

Thanks God a lot that I won a new cell phone since I've waited so long to change to a new phone.

So, I decided to claim my prize yesterday at the Colgate-Palmolive Office at Section 13 PJ. B4 I went to their office, I went back to my Uni to print out the email of the prize collection.

My feeling at that moment was "over excited" + "over joy"!! My heart did beat veli fast as I couldn't wait to get my prize!! I wished the prize will automatically send to my house..haha..it's only "day dreaming" lol~

This was the 2nd time that I won a prize in any on9 contest that I've joined!! Though it's not much, but I felt I'm a "Happie Goes Luckie" person^^

Let's peep at the pics that I've captured below^^
Heading to the Reception Area to collect my prize!!
B4 I reached at the Reception Area,
I saw a lil with the Lotus Flower pond!!
A closer look at the blooming Lotus..
Whoa..it's superb awesome & has a sense of "live the life to the fullest"~
Another closer look at the "non-blooming" Lotus~~
It shows that it's waiting patiently + passionately
to turn into a "beauty quenn".
Here it goes,
It's me & the new W350i phone tat I've just won!!
(I was superb careless that I did not capture a pic with the person who gave the prize to me, I was "over joy" & forgot about taking pic!! *swt*)
this's how my new phone looks like..
(I did ask the person in charge whether can I change 2 another color
beside this Icy Blue color, but then the guy said
"So sorry, there's oni 1 color available..")
Hmm..it's alrite as long as I gt for Free, what color doesn't matter..
Another shot at the W350i phone..
These are all the stuffs inside the box..
Obviously, there's phone charger,handsfree/earphone, USB cable, few instuction booklet & lastly the "thin" W350i phone!!
after using the new phone for a day..
I felt it does not really suit & I dont really like it..
-1st of all, you guys can check the specification of this phone at Sony Ericsson W350i page.

-Since it is a "flip phone", I afraid of 1 day I will accidentally spoil it / break it..

-It's kinda troublesome for me when I wan to answer a call by flipping the phone to press the "green button".

-Somehow, I don't really like the keypad cz I can't type smoothly & I gotta be veli careful as I really afraid of I might screw it off!!

-The most specification in a cell phone for me is the Camera..Sadly, this phone has only 1.3 megapixels of solution.

-Besides of the weakneses I have mentioned above, there's only 1 thing I like about it which is 1 of the games being installed in it. I've forgotten the name but the game is kinda like the "Tetris" game.
I felt very bad that I don't like this phone veli much
since "we should b satisfied & happie of what we got rite??"
Please excuse me if ya think I shud not have tat much of complaints..
In fact,
we hav the freedom of speech.
So, it's not wrong for me to voice out my opinion & complaint rite??
I've called one of my friends who is a cell phone dealer
to trade in my phone with another new phone.
I've thought of 2 models of Sony Ericsson phone - K660i & K770i..
Can you guys gv me sm opinion of which one of them suits me well??
Personally, I love K660i bcz of the outlook though the camera solution of it
can't beat K770i as K770i has 3.2 megapixels while K660i has 2.0 megapixels.
I've written so much in this post.
I gotta go..
WIsh ya all Good Day^^

Happie Belated Mid Autumn Festival^^

Posted: 21 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

The Mid Autumn Festival on this year was significance to me
cz I had a belated celebration of this full moon festival
with my dearest buddies on Sept 18^^
Why did we celebrate it after the actual date??
*cough* ehemmm..
it's bcz the day after Sept 14 (actual date of Mid Autumn Fes)
was the last paper of my final exam & I'm sure you guys
know that what the was I doing during that day!!
Okay, better prevent me from crapping too much..zzZZzz
Let's scroll down to take a look
at those pics we have camwhored^^





This is the perfect shot of the lantern with my hp-SE K750i!!
Personally, I love this pic veli muchiiii^.^
Yupe yupe yupe..
We celebrated the belated Mid Autumn Fest.
at the playground near my house!!
Frm left: Agnes, me & Joanne
(Dear mummy Joanne, u definitely look "thin" here eh!!)
Though we did not have much lanterns but it's a sweet moment
that I ever had with my dearest "mummys" & Ms. S as well~~
(hey hey, not the "Mummy" in the Egypt 1!!)
Besides lighting up the lanterns,
we did play the "swing swing" too..
This recall back our childhood while we played the "swing swing".
we did light up the "busy bee" - the cartoon icon on the mat
in the playground with the lil candles~~
Another shot of the "bright busy bee"^^
Love this pic too..
What a nice shot of my dearest "mummys" with
the "bright busy bee"~~
I was the 1 who camwhored this pic!!
Nice right?? *perasaan+ing* again...
Another shot of the lil candle by me~~
I did edit this pic by add on an inspirational sentence-
No matter what obstacle you face in your life,
you do not have to worry cz
God will always lighten up your way..
I knew you are afraid to walk alone in the darkness,
I knew you've came across a lot of unpleasant things in your life,
I knew you need some1 to accompany you when you're depressed,
Don't be afraid
cz we (the lil candles) will always be with you..
I will always keep the memory of
celebrating the belated Mid Autmn Fest.
with my dearest "mummys" & Ms.S^^
This could be the last chance for us to gather together
to celebrate such "sweet+warmth" festival cz
we gotta graduate the end of this year &
we might not see each other very often adi..
So, let's treasure this memorable celebration
in our heart 4ever k?

& wish our friendship everlasting too..
Muaks..love you guys always^.^

The Kreative Blogger Nomination^^

Posted: 19 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Dear all,
do VOTE for me in the nomination of
Kreative Blogger Award from AhMike.net
Thanks Ah Mike of choosing me to be
1 of the 10 nominees^^
To know why he want to organize this contest,
kindly check out his blog ya~
As stated from Ah Mike,
the top 5 lists out of the 10 nominees will get the
Logo of Kreative Blogger Award
All you guys need to do is log in to Ah Mike's blog
& leave your comment to state
which nominees do you wish to VOTE for~
My contesting Alphabet is "G"
So, you may type:
I want to vote for G.
All of ya VOTE is very much appreciated~
No matter I will get the Logo or won't,
it doesn't matter as long as I have tried my best^^
Good Day Everyone~

Random pics during part time job^^

Posted: 19 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Random pics of me & my buddies again during my part time job
for Wall's Viennetta Ice Cream
on Sept 12 & 16^^
I did not take much pic & will not write more desciption
on the job cz the job scope was quite similar with what I did at
the previous Wall's part time job~
Let's move on to view the pics^^
Joanne & me camwhore+ing while we'd nth to do~
Kitzai, Agnes, Ah Xian & Joanne^^
Do notice at the expression of the gal behind me??
Wakaka~ She seems get shocked!!
(aiks, how bad am I teasing at others..)
Me+Ah Xian+Agnes^^
We took this pic when we were ready to go home..
Finally 2 days of part time job has done!!
OMG..who is he???
He is the local malay artist-Dafi!!
Yupe yupe..he is the artist of the day^^
Agnes was camwhored with him ler..
the gal at behind ka ka cau cau la..hehe~
Dafi with me & my messy outlook.
hmm..I never thought of could meet Dafi~
I knew him last year from his popular song named- Bila Terasa Rindu^^
He looks more cute+hansem in real..
hehehe..glad to meet him, he is a friendly guy!!
anyway, he announced that he will release
his new album on October.
Dafi's fans out there must buy his Original CD ya^^
I just gt my payment from the previous Wall's job on Aug..
So happie tat I receive the money earlier than I expect..
I will save the money properly & use it wisely,
this is the promise of me to myself!!
that's all for today..
Tata every1..
2mr I gt part time job again..
Don't miss me too much k..
(duh..*perasaan* again)

Night after MAMA MIA preview screening^^

Posted: 17 September 2008 by Lisa717 in

Today wanna share random pic of
me & my dearest buddies so called "my mummys"
after the preview screening of MAMA MIA movie at Sept 15 2008..
Yupe, it's the free tickets that I mentioned at the previous post~
It's a special night for us as we're no longer suffered with the final exam
but then it's only a short term freedom(short holiday) la..
The movie of MAMA MIA is worth to watch..
Guess what,
I sang those songs along as the same time I watched the movie!!
It's a fun nite & the movie was not oni has
the sense of warmth bt humor too^^
So, for those who love to sing while watching movie..
MAMA MIA is a suitable movie for ya to watch!!
Hurry up, grab your ticket & enjoy^^
3 of us camwhored at the lil romance fountain, Cineleisure^^
Mama mia..what happened to my clothes??
With my dear Mummy #1-Ms.Agnes^^
Last shot with my mummy #2-Ms.Joanne^^
I would like to thanks to my dearest mummys & Ms.S as well
who had accompanied me to watch the MAMA MIA preview screening!!
thanks for spending ya time!!
Hope to go out with u guys more often~

Wall's Viennetta Charity Event^^

Posted: 14 September 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Yeah~ Finally I am back to blog again!!
Really miss all of my readers out there^^
Do you guys miss me too??
hahaha..excuse me of always *perasaan+ing*..
Well, today wanna blog about da 2 days working
at the Wall's Viennetta Charity Event^^
It was being held on last Aug 28-29,
& there's 2 venues which were at
Klang & Jln Hang Jebat^^
Why does it call the Charity Event bcz
Wall's Ice-Cream company would like to pour
their love to the unlucky students as all of them
were orphans from different primary schools.
Well, I worked as the so-called "usher" cz we'd to
take k of the students who attended the event.
Guess what,
I've met 2 local Malay artists in a very close distance~
However, there are not my favourite artists but then
it's kinda surprised to meet them cz there's not much
chance to meet artist in a close distance^^
Okay, let's watcha the pics that I've taken below~
This was the 1st primary school we went to-SK Meru at Klang.
btw, there's the backdrop of Wall's Viennetta Ice Cream..
The theme of the event is:
Memberi 1,000 Senyuman~
Yupe..they're the students who I responsible to take k of~
Every1 of the ushers has to take k of 10 students.
This is the opening host of the day.
His name is Abg.Halim who was
one the volunteers of the orphanage centre^^
Abg.Halim was responsible to conduct games with the students.
Wow..can you look at the students, they were playing happily^^
After the game,
there's bunch of students performing the "Zakir Barat" show
which is a Malay culture performance^^
Here come the Host of the day..
so sorry that I dunno his name errr..
but if I'm not mistaken he's a famous local malay emcee^^
I could capture this close distance of pic cz I sat infront of him~
the Host is welcoming the artist of the day-Mawi!!
Once Mawi came out, all of the students were sream enthusiatly.
Wow..do you know how famous is he??
Mawi was asking the name of the lil gal~
These students were standing on the stage to play game with Mawi^^
Mawi had a weird look here cz he's showing the students
how to play the game-Long Breath Contest!!
Mawi was standing right in front of me!!
I'm not kidding~
If he was my favourite artist,
surely I will scream till mad!! hahaha..
Hmm..Mawi was giving out the "ketupat" to the students
as Hari Raya Puasa is around the corner on 1st of Oct.
These students were showing off the gifts that they received~
The gifts consist of a goodie bag and a "greenpau" !!
I believe they were superb happie to get the gift^^
another shot from other students who have just received their gift!!
how lucky they were to take pic with Mawi~~
Another funky shot of the students with Mawi^^
After that,
a group photo of the sch's teachers with Mawi!!
Many of the malay teachers crazy of Mawi too as
they kept camwhore at Mawi all the time..
Here's all of the us- the "loving" usher^^
A grp pic of us after the 1st day job has ended!!
That's all for the 1st day job~~
Here comes the 2nd day,
Me and my friends were a bit unlucky on the 2nd day~
1st, we were late to go to work,
2nd there's sth wrong with the monorail!!
Gosh, we'd waited for the monorail for abt half an hour!!
The KL Sentral monorail station were fully packed
like "sardine fishes in the can"
At the same time,
we were damn worried of what might happen if we've reached..
Well, luckily our supervisor didn't scold at us and the students
who were under our guardian came late too..
Thanks God that there's no any unpleasant thingy happened to us^^
I did not camwhore lotsa pic at the 2nd day cz
the excitement was not as great as the day b4.
While waiting for the students to come,
let's snap a pic of me n my dearest buddies^^
There's a sign board at the bck to show the location we were at.
Well, it's not a school but it the Education office of KL area~
One more shot of the Mummys & daughter^^
haha..obviously, I'm the daughter lol!!
This was how the hall looks like~
If I was nt mistaken, the students were
from 6 malay primary schools^^
This was the 2nd local artist that I mentioned- Sofia Jane^^
She was giving out the "greenpau" to the students..
Gosh, I love her skin texture cz my skin color is tan ler..
She was superb friendly to the students even I also like her..
Ooopss..this pic a bit blur..
bt I'm sure you can see that she smiles like an angel
while gave out the "greenpau" ler^^
Yupe..I also camwhored at Sofia Jane at a very close distance..
Act, I should not camwhore+ing at that time cz I was
considered as the worker on that day..
Hopefully there's no 1 scold me ler..
A pic with our supervisor who wore da red cap^^
He looks more lengzai in real la..kaka..
urmm..thx him so much to b our supervisor~
One last shot of the mummys+daughter again~
Yeah..the 2days job has finally done!!
"san fu sai dai ga la" (cantonese)
I've gained lotsa experienced throughout these 2 days job..
though it's not as challenging as the job that I worked b4,
bt I still wanna thx God that I've the strenght to work while I'm stil studying.
Well, I've accepted to work for Wall's again.
It's also a 2days job bt the venue is at Gombak & Selayang^^
I've just worked at Gombak on Sept 12 & the next is on Sept 16.
Wish me all the best in my part time job ya..
Hopefully everything will go smoothly^^
Thanks you guys for viewing at this long post..
Good Day every1 &
have a happie mid autumn festive!!!