Gong Heiii..Gong Heii...Gong Heii Fatt Choy!!!!
(Hey Hey..what's this about??
Chinese New Year 2008 adi past la & 2009 one nt yt arrive eh!!)
Hmm..I'm singing Gong Hei Fatt Choy bcz of the
"Lion Dance" Dog below lol^^
Y'day I went to a pet shop with my buddies & I saw a cutie
COLOURED dog just like the "Lion Dance"!!
I'm not kidding man~
*Picture speaks thousands of word...
*Ripley Believe or not...
Look at the pics below
& you will surely get SHOCK!!
(oii..not syok ya)

It's really a COLOURED dog~
Doesn't it look awesome???
Oh my gosh, can you see its tail!!
It's totally being COLOURED!!

Can you look at the color combination??
Veli nice & awesome eh~~
(WOnder if my hair is coloured with the color~~)
Some more, it doesn't want to look at me~
(Eh, look at me la..I wan to snap your face eh!!)

This pose really looks like the
"sitting" style of the "Lion Dance" lol..
Why do I say it looks like "Lion Dance" bcz oni its feet
& tail being COLOURED!!
Don't ya agree??

So "ba bai"/arrogant!!!
(Roar..I will make you look at me & snap your face!!)
The conversations btw "Lion Dance" doggie & Me are as below:

I won't look at you, you better fxck off!!
I say:
I won't fxck off, I will surely snap your face 1!!

You don't want to fxck off, I can't force you 1. But then don't keep on look at me la.. I easily to get shy shy 1..
Don't perasaan la you, Mr."Lion Dance"!!
Love my pose??
This pose really shows that you're the
"Truly Lion Dance" eh!!!
Bravo Bravo!!!
The End*