Whoa~ The "Lion Dance" Doggie??

Posted: 31 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Gong Heiii..Gong Heii...Gong Heii Fatt Choy!!!!

(Hey Hey..what's this about??
Chinese New Year 2008 adi past la & 2009 one nt yt arrive eh!!)
Hmm..I'm singing Gong Hei Fatt Choy bcz of the
"Lion Dance" Dog below lol^^
Y'day I went to a pet shop with my buddies & I saw a cutie
COLOURED dog just like the "Lion Dance"!!
I'm not kidding man~
*Picture speaks thousands of word...
*Ripley Believe or not...
Look at the pics below
& you will surely get SHOCK!!
(oii..not syok ya)
Tadaaaa....I'm not lying!!!
It's really a COLOURED dog~
Doesn't it look awesome???
Oh my gosh, can you see its tail!!
It's totally being COLOURED!!
Bow wow...its sits "elegantly" lo...
Can you look at the color combination??
Veli nice & awesome eh~~
(WOnder if my hair is coloured with the color~~)
Some more, it doesn't want to look at me~
(Eh, look at me la..I wan to snap your face eh!!)
This pose really looks like the
"sitting" style of the "Lion Dance" lol..
Why do I say it looks like "Lion Dance" bcz oni its feet
& tail being COLOURED!!
Don't ya agree??
Hmm..its still doesn't want to look at me eh..
So "ba bai"/arrogant!!!
(Roar..I will make you look at me & snap your face!!)
The conversations btw "Lion Dance" doggie & Me are as below:
"Lion Dance" doggie says:
I won't look at you, you better fxck off!!

I say:
I won't fxck off, I will surely snap your face 1!!
."Lion Dance" doggie says:
You don't want to fxck off, I can't force you 1. But then don't keep on look at me la.. I easily to get shy shy 1..

I say:
Don't perasaan la you, Mr."Lion Dance"!!
"Lion Dance" doggie says:
Okayla, since you so in love with me..I stand up & let you snap my pic..
Love my pose??

I say:
Thankiuu veli marshh, Mr.Lion Dance!!
This pose really shows that you're the
"Truly Lion Dance" eh!!!
Bravo Bravo!!!
"Lion Dance" doggie says:
Nah..here's my cutie face that you beg for!! Satisfied?? Treat me some bones la..

I say:
Aiya, Mr.Lion Dance..You should show your "cutie" face to me at 1st ma..right now, I'm promoting at your unique feature eh..by the way, thankiuuu veli marsh on your "cutie" face!!! Blek...
The End*

Hoping to be a Transformer!!

Posted: 30 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

It's 7am in the morning & I woke up with nothing done!! Why do I say so?? Actually, I need to finish some parts of my assignment to be discussed with my group members today but I didn't accomplish it last nite!!

What's wrong with me?? What's wrong with me?? Why do I couldn't change my bad attitude-LAZINESS!! I admit that I always do my work at last minute. Though I always telling myself not to do my work in last minute but I still practice it & did it everytime!!

After the Assignment's Marks come out & I did not get good mark, I will start to blame myself why did I do not finish my task early so that I can double-check it in order to prevent more mistakes. Hmm...the same question keep running on my head right now-Why?? Why?? Why do I couldn't change my bad attitude in tis matter!!

There's 4 more assignments to go!! Nez week gotta hand in 2 & the rest will be in the following week. Oh gosh, I still havn't started my Final Year Project too!! This is fxcking terrible!! Many of my course mates have already done their chapter 1 & 2!! But what about me?? I've done nothing!!

I really need to go for HIBERNATION!! There's a lot of things tempting me esp.my beloved PC. Once I reach home after my tiring class in Uni for sure I rush to my PC & start to do sth which is not related to my academic.

I've to set a limitation for myself to surf the fxcking net!! But the question here is..Can I really do so?? Answer is...50% can, 50% cannot!! It's a probability here..When there's probability, we can try to do it!!

Okay, I couldn't be pessimistic right now cz I know that the more we feel in negative way, the more we couldn't accomplish our tasks!! I have to always say Yes to myself that I can do it!! Oh Yes, I can do it (haha..*Nike Slogan really works huh*)

hmm..it's almost 7.30am. I need to get ready to go for my morning class at 8.30am. Adios to you guys out there. Please pray hard for my "Attitude Transformation" ya..I want to be a Transformer (hey, not the robotic 1 la!!)..What I mean is I want to change my bad attitude to GOOD!!!

Avril Lavigne on Tour 2008!!!

Posted: 28 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

My God, My God!!!!
On Aug 29 2008,
Avril is coming to rock Msia for her 1st & ever concert here!!!
She's my Favourite International Idol^^
Love her music & her talent veli much~
I'm desperately wanna go for her concert la^^
Now, still wondering which ticket shud I buy..
Shud I go for the Expensive 1 or the cheapest 1??
Ticket Categories:
Free Standing- RM 338, RM 268, RM188
Free Seating: RM188, RM138, RM98
To view the Seating Plan,
Kindly click Seating Plan
Who wanna go with me?
Or whoever out there will or wanna go for Avril Concert??
Leave ur comment here &
let's discuss this excitement topic!!!
For more info. on Avril Concert in M'sia,
kindly click Avril Lavigne on Tour 2008
Let's RoCk & RoLL with Avril Lavigne!!!
A concert that you shudn't be missed!!!

My Dearest Cutie Nephew^^

Posted: 28 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Last friday (25/07), I went to Melaka to visit my cousin & his family. The purpose to go Melaka is to bring my nephew to KL for a day & then my cousin sister will bring him back to Sabah.

It's an exhausted journey to Melaka cz I went to there directly after my class at 11.30am.
Why was it an exhausted journey cz the day before I did assignment & slept for only 2 hours. So, on the way to Melaka I slept in the car while my cousin's bf driving.

I did not take much pic at Melaka instead of the new restaurant owned by my cousin bro & the pics of my dearest cutie nephew-Eu Eu.

To all of you out there who go to Melaka,
don't forget to "bong can"/visit my cousin bro new restaurant at Kampung Lapan!!
His restaurant namely-
Kedai Makanan & Minuman Kampung Lapan^^
Here's my newphew (Eu Eu) & his dad (my cousin bro)^^
Took this at my cousin bro restaurant!!
This little boy-Eu Eu really loves to take pic 1.
When you ask him whether wan to take pic,
he will say "Yes, I want"!!
The location of this pic is infront of his dad restaurant,
he chose this place to take pic~
What a smart boy huh^^
Me & the "Little Hamsap Eu Eu"
hmm..how come his eyes look like tat in this pic??
Make me felt that he like a "hamsap" boy lo..
haha..don't ya think so??
All of the pics below were taken at Mid Valley^^
It's Eu Eu at the "playhouse" outside of the Toysorus Toys Store^^
He loves to play this veli much..
Love him veli much, he is an adorable boy!!
Thanks God that he always stay happily & healthily^^
He loves to pose in such style~
When I ask him to "action..action" then he will automatically
gv me such posing^^
Hehe..wat a cutie nephew I have!!
His eyes are big & his eyelashes is damn long too^^
Ya ya..he is Tai Gor when he is notty but then
he is a little baby when he cries~ haha...
The last pic we took at Mid Valley^^
Eu Eu has gone back to Sabah yesterday V my cousin sis,
miss him so so so much!
But I'm goin to meet him again nez January.
Take k & Be Good ya my dear nephew~
Don't be so notty k??

Killiney Kopitiam at Jaya 1^^

Posted: 24 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Today, wanna give you guys a brief experience of my own on a restaurant that I went before with my course mates which is at Jaya1.

This restaurant named Killiney Kopitiam..Have you guys heard it b4??

To get to know more of the History of Killiney, kindly click Killiney Kopitiam.

Okay, let's look at the pics that I took on that day^^

There's a "big poster" which is pasted on the wall^^
Once you look at it, you will surely want to taste
the rich aroma of Coffee/Tea &
the tantalizing fragrance of the toast bread..
(sounds good rite??)
Here's a another "big poster" which illustrated the "Old Killiney" way back to many many years ago. You will surely recall your joyous past when you look at it as it shows the past scene of Killiney Kopitiam since 1919^^
The peaceful environment of Killiney Kopitiam^^
Hmm..here comes the food that we've ordered.
"Fried Rice"
ordered by Joanne.
(According to Joanne, it tasted good & she will visit Killiney again)
"Breakfast Set"
This was what I've ordered!!
Price veli reasonable-RM5.80
It consists of 2 boiled eggs, french toast & Tea.
(Guess what, I went there at afternoon bt I still ordered this..
Haha..cz I just love the boiled eggs & toast..Tat's y ler...)
Our pretty Joanne at Killiney Kopitiam^^
I still remember that day is Saturday,
we planned to do revision for our mid term at Uni
but ended up with "cui cui sui"/chit-chatting~ haha..
.TEA is always my "cup of tea"!!
I prefer tea to coffee cz I'm afraid of addicted to coffee~
(sounds ridiculous, don't ya think so??)
But then I have coffee when in need..
If you guys interested to visit Killiney~
Kindly click the below to get to know which location that Killiney at.
Wish ya all Good Day^^

Jason Mraz-I'm Yours

Posted: 21 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Recently, I'm in love with Jason Mraz latest song-I'm Yours!!! It's damn nice & make me wanna fly to the moon^^

He's a talented singer & most of his songs could melt the hearts of million of galz out there!!

Oh God, how I wish he could be my darling as longing for him to sing song for me whereby I lay on his chest~ Oh gosh, oh gosh..I've thought too much!! hehe..

Anyway, if anyone of you hasn't heard of his latest song-I'm yours. You may view the MTV clip below!! For those who has heard it b4, let's enjoy it together by viewing the below clip ya^^

Wanna get to know Jason Mraz more??
Kindly log on to Jason Mraz the Website
Hope you all enjoy & love the song too^.^
God bless..

Dedicate to My Dearest BB Alice^^

Posted: 20 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Hello guys,
today is the "Full Moon"(a month after born) of my dearest niece^^
Yupe yupe..She was born at June 20 2008!!
She's a cute little "Mix Gal" just like me,
haha..but not the same "genes" la..
Her papa is Malay & Her mama is Chinese (who is my cousin)
I'm proud to introduce her name to all of you^^
Her name is Allesha Bte. Abdul Khan
while nick name is Alice^^
(Not Alice from the Wonderland yoh~)
Doesn't she has a pretty name??
(Yes, I do think so^~^)
Okay, let's move on to see her pics
which her mama sent to me by MMS^^
Here's my dearest niece-Alice^^
This pic took after 1 day she was born~
Aiyoh, I really wanna hug her & kiss her some more..
Unfortunately, she stays at Sabah right now.
Hehe..I love her "chubby chubby" look la..
She's kinda look like me when I was a little BB^^
Hmm...Keep Quiet ya~
Cutie BB Alice is sleeping.
Baby is the most Happie ppl in the world
as he/she doesn't has any sorrow/obstacle^~^
Wish to back to my BB times where my parents took care of me always..
Wah..BB Alice is getting "Bigger & bigger"!!
haha..can you see the way she sleep??
Tell the truth,
the way she sleep states that she doesn't has any sorrow..
That's why I said Baby is the Happie ppl in the world^^

My dear BB Alice,
hope ya stay healthy always..
When ya grow up must obey your papa & mama k??
They do love you as they love your sister too..
Your auntie Lisa (me) love you as well^^
Wah wah..BB Alice is getting more "Cute & Cute"!!
Wish I could be at Sabah neh..
Hmm..glad that she was born healthily & prettily as well~
(Yiiii..cutenya Si Alice!!)

Haha..dedicate this pic for dear cousin & cousin-in-law^^
There's 4 different pics state that 4 different poses of BB Alice~
BB Alice veli "geng" leh..not more than 1 month but
can pose so many styles..
I think when she grews up,
She will be a "Famous International Actress"!!
My dear cousin, don't forget treat me "yum cha" when
BB Alice is famous in the future cz
I've been promoting her in my blog^^
Before I end this post,
Let me introduce the Famlily members of BB Alice^^
From left: Her papa, Her Sister (Ally) & Her mama (my dear cousin)!!
Wish BB Alice have a Happie Full Moon!!
May God Bless BB Alice & her Dearest Family too^^


My Lovable 21st B'ady Gifts^^

Posted: 19 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , ,

Really thanks God that I've a bunch of "WOnderFul" Friends,
they had given me a lot of "lovable" gifts^^
Though I had thx them for so many times,
but I do wanna thx them again & again
of their generosity & kindness!!
Muaks..love you all so much!!
Let's scroll down to peep at my "lovable" gifts^^
Here's all of my 21st B'day Gifts^^
No matter it's small or big,
no matter it's expensive or cheap,
All of the gifts are priceless to me^^
& I love it very much~~

The Simplest B'day gifts that every1 might receive^^
Yeap..the "Sincere B'day Card"!!
I love both of the "Hand-made" card veli much..
esp the "Mickey" shape 1^^
My frenz knew tat I'm a "Mickey Lover"
so she made that special card to me..gt my pic some more!!
Muaksss..love all of the cards I received!!
Can you see..can you see..
How priceless are my gifts!!
I got 3 sorts of pendants^^
1. A "Cross" (I'm Christian)
2. A "Platinum"-Key shape (means that I'm 21 year old)
3. A "Gold" with a "T" alphabet on it ("T" is my surname^.^)
Here's the Cosmetics!!
I'm sure most of the galz cant get rid of it lol^^
If I'm not mistaken, my fren bought these cosmetics at SASA!!
Tell you what, back to my high sch..
my fren did call me SASA..
hehe..tat's my nickname^^
The Purses!!
The black 1 look "elegant" but it can be used
no matter i wear casual or formal..!!
(What a good idea to the 1 who bought tis~!~)
Another 1 is a "pinky" purse which allows me
to put my coins inside..
though it's small but cute!!
Oh Gosh, I can't believe I got this!!
Yeap, it's a "Mickey Mouse" Mouse!!
haha..act I told my close frenz tat I wish to get tat..
but I din realise tat they really bought it for me~!~
Some more, they put it in my bag quietly!!
Love them a lot ler..
Though I'm 21 year old,
but my frenz still bought "kidz" thingy for me~
haha..tell the truth, I'm really childish 1!!
& it's agreed by majority of ppl^^
Let's see what I got:
1. A "Porcupine" plush toy.
2. A pair of "Mickey & Minnie Mouse"- My Favourite~
3. A "Prosperity Cat/zhao cai mao" key chain.
4. A "Pinky Bear with my birthdate" keychain.
5. A "Double Twisting Head" keychain.
A "secret recipe" cake from Joey & Ching!!
They wanna gv this surprise to me but
unfortunately it's failed ler..cz..cz..
hmm..dun wan let you all know la..
(scare Joey angry again..hehe)
Guess what, the cake is "Sugar Free" 1..
Cool huh~
Don't look at this "Heart" shape pillow shallowly,
it's a "chunz" thing k!! Veli "kao kao" some more!!
Can figure it out, what's that??
Let me tell you la,
it's a "masseur" called "Febe Squeeze"!!
Thanks to my dear “owner" hu treat her pet so nice!!
Muaks..love your gift so much til now I havn't used it..
Can you figure it out what's the brand of this shoe??
I'm sure that you guys hardly to figure it out 1..
haha..it's a "Walt Disney" brand of shoe..
Love it~love it~ I finally own a shoe from "Walt Disney"!!
Love the texture & the outlook of it..
What's this?? sure you guys said roses lo..rite??
haha..It's definitely "roses" la..
It's given by my..my..lover??
Tell the truth,
It's given by a "Mystery" Admirer^^
haha..can't realise that I got roses on my B'day~
Anyway, thanks so much of your "love" to me..
Give me some times to think about ya,
sorry for waiting but I will let you knw the "answer" at the rite time!!
That's the end of My 21st B'day story^^
I will always treasure this memorable 21st B'day memory!!
Thanks you guys for Everything!!
May God bless you guys^^

An Unforgettable 21st B'day^^

Posted: 17 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , ,

Happie B'day to me~
Happie B'day to me~
Happie B'day to Princess Lisa~
Happie B'day to me^^
Hey hey yoh yoh..
Today is my b'day,
I'm superb happie cz
my frenz gv me lot of surprise!!
They not only sang B'day song to me in the class,
they also gv me a lot of unexpected presents!!
Love them so so so so much^^
Thx for coming to my B'day party on last 11/7 once again,
Thx God that I've frenz like you all
who love & care for me so so so much~~
My tears almost drop as I got a lot of surprise from you all,
esp from Ms. S & from my dearest course mates!!
It would be my Unforgettable B'day that I ever had,
I'm proud to be 21 year old,
I'm glad that I've you guys are my dearest friends!!
In this post,
Wanna share the pics I took at my B'day party with my dearest friends^^
Whoa..are they the Miss World Contestants?? hehe..
From left: YenTing, Tracy, Jing, Me, ShiaoHong, Yenn & Deannie
From left: Sayling, HsiaoGee, Me, EngC, Mei & Andrew~
Though we are not from my tutorial class,
but they do my dearest couse mates!!
.From left: WaiTheng, Karen, Me, Peilee, Choon Kit, EngC & Sayling
Yupe, they are also not from the same tutorial class with me..
Glad that they come to my 21st B'day Party^^
From left: HsiaoHong, AhLut, Me, Cat, Tracy & Deannie
Only Cat & Deanie are same tutorial class with me,
but we do chit chat crazily when we are free^^
.From Left: HsiaoHong, EngC, Cat, Me, HuoyYing, Joanne & Winnie
Well, we are always chat non-stop in the class..
but not all ya..some of us..esp the 38/kepoh/busy-body 1!! hehe..
From left: Sayling, Ching, Me, Yenn, Jing & YenTing
haha..only Sayling not in the same tutorial but the rest is same with me!!
Yupe, we are the "T2's kakis"!!
(what look that I have in this pic huh?? shy?? wanna go pee??)
.From left: Ching, Mei, Me, Aaron, HsiaoGee & SayLing
Hmm..Why do they smile happily but why I don't?
Anything fussy+ing me??
(hey Aaron, Jagalah badanmu tu..dah "kurus" nak makan banyak lagi?)
.Clockwise from left: Sayling, Me, Chloe, Ah Fun & Angeline
Eh eh, 2 ppl from T2 vs. 3 ppl from T1??
No fighting ya, it's unfair..
(haha..what's joke is tis?? I oso can't understand lol!)
.From left: Jing, YenTing, Me & Yenn
We are from the same tutorial class^^
Glad to hang out with them sometimes..
(Oi, Yenn! How come you forcing me to eat nugget??
Can you see I look like "stupiak" in this pic??)
. From left: Ching, Tracy, Me & AhLut
Bad bad AhLut laugh at me & asked why I always
pose in such way during photo taking wor...
(I think she envy at me cz I "pretty" than her..haha..*perasaan*)
.From left: HsiaoHong, EngC, Me & HuoyYing
Glad to take pic with the "Pinkie Gals"..
haha..feel like I'm at the "Stylish+Trendy Car" exhibition
cz they just look like those pretty+sexy galz..
From left: Karen, HuoyYing, HsiaoHong, Me & Peilee
hmm..can you all focus on Karen in this pic??
haha..do you what is she eating??
(Apa nie, eating also wanna take pic??
Not respect me at all huh!!)
haha..joking oni ya..
Clockwise from left: YenTing, Yenn, Me & Jing
Are we the "Lesbian Couples"?? Yupe..you are right!!
YenTing & Yenn has knot to each other last year
& Jing & me just married last month!!
(Hey gurls, am I right??)
From left: Karen, Alex, Me & SayLing
Took this b4 we started to sing B'day Song..
Ooopss..do you all realise that I've taken off my jacket??
Sorry to show my "fatty" to you all..
I was too hot at tat moment so I...
Anyway, my frenz said not bad wor I wear like tat..
but I m not used to it la..
Hmm..here are too much ppl..
I can't introduce them to you all.
But I think Aaron get his punishment here,
cz she always bully gurls!!
What a bad guy..better run away from him!!
(hey "Ah Po" [Kungfu Panda], I'm kidding ya..don't angry!!)
My dearest housemates & me!!
Thanks them of giving me a memorable "Key" pendant^^
My dearest cousins & me^^
Thanks them so much for coming!!
Love them always..
It's my dearest "mommys"
Yupe, it's Agnes, Me & Joanne!!
This is the only pic we took together^^
Appreciate them so much in organising a great B'day Party to me!!
muaks...love you all too~!~
Here's Winnie & her sis-Wen Ling^^
Thanks Winnie too as she fetched us here & there
to buy the B'day party's stuffs..
Not forget to thanks her sis-WenLing as
she was the "Unpaid Photographer"..
She took a lot of pics of me during my B'day party..
Thanks you all so much..muaksss...love ya~
Lastly, it's me with my "cutie" B'day cake & my "unexpected" presents!
Will share with you all more what did I get in the next entry..
I wanna thanks my parents as well
who raise me up & now I'm officially 21 year old^^
I hope I can be more independant
& do not always rely/depend on my family!!
Hope my dreams come true,
Wish all my friends study hard in this final 2 semesters,
I'll always remember the day you guys celebrated my B'day
the "expected" presents tat I received!!
Love you guys so much!!
Friendship Forever^^