The very 1st school that I've been to..

Posted: 29 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
Hello everybody!! how are you guys?? I've been MIA for 2 days cz it's working days=weekdays~ Monday is the busiest day of the week & I'm sure go to bed once I reach home. Tuesday kinda busy too so I don't have the energy to stay in front of the PC too long..hahaha..sounds that my body very weak eh!! Today, I have good news & bad news~ Good news is I got my 1st full payment after worked for a month in my existing company!! Yeah...I got it eventually!! Bad news is I'm not really feeling well today cz stomach pain pain..u know..most ladies will face this pain every month. I hope I will feel better 2mr cz I could not stand the pain which is quite suffer to me. Dear all, do pray for me so that I will get well soon ya^^ Love you guys so much :)

I m gonna blog on couple of pics
where I took few months during my vacation in Sabah.

I've taken few shot on my the 1st school
that I've gone to since I was born^^

Nursery?? Kindergarden??
Well, I never been to nursery but yes to Kindergarden.
I have enrolled to Kindergardern in the year of 1992.
It took me 2 years to finish my pre-education^^

I still remembered those days my dad
fetched me to school
& I could declare to y'all
that I was the super duper blessed+happie kid

as most of my classmates took school bus to school~

Every time my dad fetched me back home,
he sure bought lotsa food for me as
I could eat it on the way in the car
& not forget
a cutie toy for me as a reward and encouragement

that I should study hard in my studies^^

. tears just could not stop dropping
as everytime I recall back the
happie moments that I had with my dad!

He was my greatest daddy that I have ever had
who I miss all the time..


let's take a look at the pics below..
I did not take much cz the guard not allow me to go in,
so I could oni take from outside~

Yeap Yeap Yeap~
This was the kindergarden that I've gone to-
Tadika Cheng Min/ Cheng Min Kindergarden^^
During my time, the wall and the gate was not as colorful
as what I saw the other day..


Here it goes..
The "swing swing"!!
Too bad that it has broken down.
I remembered that we have to queued up
during the recreation time that we have twice a week~


the "slide slide"^^
I love this so much as I always
stood in front when the teacher asked us to queue up.
hahahhaa..feel that I quite naughty during that time lo..


that's all for today..
I will post on my primary school next.
Stay tune ya^^

Goodnight everyone..
Gotta sleep adi!!!
Sweet dream to y'all~

The Friendly+Cheerful niece that I have ever had~~

Posted: 26 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
Arrrr..Hottttt Hotttt..I'm gonna turn out to be a Hot Chic. Ooppss..not those sexy Hot Chic ya~ Today weather is superb Hot lol!! till I wanna take off my clothes...but this is going to happen If I was a boy (promoting Beyonce's new song ar??). I thought I could rest well today but it turned out to be an annoyed Sunday. Hmm..let's pray tonight we will have a heavy rain pour k? *wink*

I'm sure most of us love Kids~
Yeap, including me too!!

Kids are always adorable, cute, innocence & harmless^^

They never hide their true feeling,
they will always laugh whenever they are happy/satisfy
& they will always cry whenever they are sad/moody/angry~

I just love to play around with kids
whereby I feel more comfortable & happy with them~
Although some of them are naughty
but they won't stab you from back.


I gotta stop crapping now!!
I wanna share with you the superb cutie pics
of my lil' niece!!


I took her pics few months back when
I was having my holiday in Sabah~

Her name is Alysha but we used to call her Alice^^
She is only about 10 mths old babie
who came to this world in the year of 2008!!

She is the Friendly+Cheerful babie that I have ever met,
she seldom get angry or even cry!!!
You gotta believe it!!

Let's check out her cutie cutie pics below!!!




Let's welcome Alice in this blog!!
Awwww...what an innocence look..
Btw, I have added Alice's thought in the pic~
I believe that's what she wanna express..*grin*

I just wanna hug her tight tight with this look!!

she looks wanna have a fight eh!!
Not bad..mayb she is the next Oscar winner!!

I just love her chubby chubby face
& the big+rounded eyes!!
Kids with chubby face are extremely CUTE lol..

My oh my..
she is just look a bit naughty
with the way she smiles^^
Hey hey, she is a superb friendly babie!!
She will always smile no matter who she meets~
Thanks God that I have a superb cutie niece
who cheers me up every time I look at her pic!!

One last pic of dear bb Alice^^
Hmm...this is the her tired look..
Okay, let's say Gd9 to Alice!!

That's all for today~
Wishing bb Alice will always stay healthy&happy
as she grows up day by day^^

I will miss you always my dear bb Alice!!
Hope to see you again when auntie back to Sabah ya~ you^.^

Happie Weekdays in advance to everyone!
Good day & stay tough to overcome
any obstacle in our life^^

God bless..

Unexpected dinner at Food & Tea HK Restaurant^^

Posted: 25 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
It's Saturday again, guys!! Yea, glad that I could rest at home till the max!! I thought I could slept well last night as I did play badminton with my colleagues last night for about 2 hours. However, thing doesn't go as what I thought. I had nightmare last night!! Gosh..I can't believe of what I had dreamed about. The dream was sorry that I am not willing to let you guys know about it cz it's quite sad to me where the person that appeared in my dream has gone with our Lord, Jesus Christ in heaven. Maybe this nightmare is giving me the sign of loving myself, family, relatives, friends and etc. At the same time, it oso reminded me to treasure our love ones and don't ever do sth to hurt our love ones cz we don't know what might happen 2mr. Let's pray for our love ones to stay in peace with God's love and mercy all the time.

Hey Hey^^
Let's go to Food & Tea!!
Wait a minute, Food & Tea??
Yeap~ It's the "makan-makan" post again!!

I would like to share with you the Food & Tea Rest.
which located at Tropicana City Mall (TCM), SS2~

It was so happened to dine at this restaurant
where it was so happened that I have no idea
to hang out with my ex-housemates on that day too^^
(Sounds weird isn't it??)

Well, thanks my ex-housemates who brought me
"makan-makan" at this newly-opened restaurant!!

I'm sure you guys can't wait for the food!
Alright, let's scroll.. scroll.. down and down^^




The Food & Tea Hong Kong Restaurant~


Once I sat down,
I coudn't stop myself from starring at the
HK's night scene which placed on the wall^^


I love their interior design esp.the lighting^^


My ex-housemates just love to sit on this type of chair!!
& yes, we were sitting on it!!!
Hmm..aren't they look like "Pumpkin" chair ??
Esp.the color and the shape is merely the same too^^


These were the drinks that we have ordered~
Frm Left: Grass Jelly, Tea in "HK" style with Grass Jelly
& Honey Peach Green Tea


I ordered this..
Buttered Chicken Diced with Rice~
The taste of it was not what I had expected..sob..
Rate: 2.5/5


My ex- housemate ordered this..
Golden Roaster in Hot Noodle soup~
It tasted not bad..
Rate: 3.5/5


My ex-housemate's bf ordered this..
Stir-Fried Nissin Noodle with
Slice Beef~

This dish was the superb delicious
among what we had ordered!!
The slice beef is the most tentalizing
where you want to ask for more^^
*clapsss...thumbs up*
Rate: 4.5/5


At last,
my ex-housemate recommended this side order..
Smoked Ham Focaccia~
This was the 2nd yummyious dish of what we hav ordered!!
Rate: 4/5


Before we headed to go home,
I quickly camwhored with my ex-housemate!!!
Ahhaaa..her name is Evonne!!
Sorry guys, she is not available ya~~ hehehhee..
Thanks dear so much on the Food & Tea and
I m superb grateful that we got the chance
to hang out together finally after I
shifted to another house for a year++!!
I will always treasure the great moment we had..


One last pic of Evonne & her bf-Mr.Lee!!
Aren't they look like happily married couple??
Muahahahhaha..they not yet get married la..
But I'm sure it's going..on the way..very soon..


Hmm..we have sat at Food & Tea for about 3 hours!!
Yeap, we were not only "makan-ing"
but we did "sembang-ing" too!!

It's hardly for us to spend time together,
so I gotta thanks God for this very unexpected moment
I had with my dear ex-housemates^^

Once again,
thanks Evonne & Mr.Lee
for the time with me^.^

I'm here to wish both of you
stay healthy+wealthy always^^
God bless you & all the best..

Superb Funny JOKE of the day!!

Posted: 24 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
I got rumors from my colleagues that we wont get our pay cheque by today eh!! Damn..How could this happen?? Sob..sob..Gotta wait till nez MOnday ler..Since today (24 Apr) is considered too early to make payment to the staffs~ I understood about this..sigh~


Dear All,
I got a superb joke to share today!!
I got this joke from a friend of mine
who sent to my mailbox.



The Joke titled:
~The Story of Ah Singh~
I'm sure Malaysians+Cantonese speaking
fully understand+laugh
till the MAX!!!



A Singh who is a Sailor?
>>Karpal Singh<<

A Singh who attends a Chinese wedding party?
>>Yam Singh<<

A Singh who is digging a hole?
>>Menggali Singh<<

A Singh who likes to slap ppl?
>>Tau Ba Singh<<

A Singh who is a gangster?

A Singh who is lost?

A Singh who is noisy?

A Singh who likes herbs?
>> GinSingh<<

A Singh who kills ppl?

A Singh with one ball?
>>BalwantSingh (Ball One Singh)<<

A Singh with two balls?
>>BalanSingh (As in Balancing)<<

A Singh with three balls?

A Singh who is swiming in an iced pool?
>>KuldipSingh (Cold Deep Singh)<<

A Singh who likes to drink soya bean?

A Singh who owns a ship but sink?
No la, Not Titanic Singh but
>> KaramSingh<<

A Singh who was sacked from a national hockey team?

A Singh who is lausySingh?

A Singh who likes roundabout?

A Singh who is flying around on a broom?
>>Sou Pah Singh<<

A Singh who is three-star general?
>>Sam Lap Singh<<

If the Sikhs were to succeed in forming their own country.
What will they call their currency?
>>Mata Wang Ah Singh<<

Then, what do u a Singh who likes to scold ppl?
>>Tiew Nia Singh<<


Pass this joke around lol~
For sure this will makes ppl "Relax Singh"

this joke made me laugh til death leh!!!

Hope you guys enjoy on this superb funny joke!!

GoodbyeSingh to all of you^^

Lovable Moments @ Genting~

Posted: 23 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
Whoa~~ Today is the last Friday in the month of April!! According to my senior-Mr.V. My company used to give out the pay cheque to the staff on every last Friday in a month. Though last month I did have my pay cheque but the payment was for 1 week working as I joined the company on 23rd Mar 2009. However, this month I am going to get my full payment!! Kinda excited and can't wait for it!! Hopefully, I could get my pay cheque by today cz me and my senior still wonder does the company will pay us by today or nez week as today is 24th Apr which consider quite early to give out pay cheque to the staffs. Let's wait and see..-XD^^


I would like to share few pics that I took
with my family during our outing to
Genting Highlands~

I would like to present to you
lovable moments
that I have with my dearest family^^

I'm so sorry that I always post sth
which had passed quite long time.


Due to time constraint,
I have to delay my blog posting.
Anyway, I hope it's not too late too little^^

This was my lil sis 1st time to Genting,
she was superb excited on the day we headed.
Thanks God that He continues to
bring happieness+love to my family.


Without any delay,
scroll down..scroll down..




My mum loves the plants behind us so much!!
My mum and dad do love flowers & green plants
& one of their hobbies is planting flowers and green plants^^


We were enjoying to sit on the so-called romance boat~


We just love the lighting behind so much~
Ain't it look like blinking blue stars??
Thanks cameraman on taking this great pics for us^^


Don't we look alike??
A pic took in front of the lil' fountain^^


My sis~
Since my family came here all the way frm Sabah.
Taking picture is a must at Genting~


We went in to the Snow World too!!


Yea, I managed to take my sis pic when the snow fell!!
How enjoyed my sis was~~


Though I went to Genting for several times,
but I never been to Snow World~
Glad that I could go in with my
dearest family for the 1st time!!


My mum said that Snow World is a great place to spend time
with family and most joyous place in Genting!!
She just loves it so much^^


A last pic of us when we were
on the way to the cable car station~

It's time to say Goodbye^^


I am looking forward to have fun
with my family again in KL~

I miss you mum and sis so so so much~~

I'm here to wish my family
stay happy+healthy all the time!
May there is no sorrow or worry upon them.
May God's blessing+love lay on them all the time.

That's all for today,
Good day to all of bloggers and my readers^^

Beware of CONNING SMS!!

Posted: 23 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Crappy Wrappy:
Today is Apr 23 which represents one month after I started the new chapter of my life. Yeap, it's eventually one month that I have worked in my existing company. Frankly speaking, I have gained much knowledge which I never learn during my Uni. Anyhow, I have not really acknowledged all of them yet as I am a slow learner and I need to take lotsa time to learn. Hopefully, my reporting officer-Mr.J & my senior-Mr.V are passionate enough in continuing to guide me through till I can handle all of the tasks by my own. Wishing me all the best continue to pray to me..muaksss..:)


What a BIG yellowish signal??

Hold on guys,
Let me explain k??

I would like to warn
and pass this important message to y'all!!

Yesterday 22nd Apr 2009 at 5.38pm,
I received a sms from an unknown number.
I would like to apologise that I do not have a camera
to capture the contents on the sms.

I will state down the content in the following:
Please read carefully~

Sender: +6014 9561210
Contents: No' Sim card anda
t'lah terpilih untuk memenangi
wang RM ( 20,000.00 )
dari POWER ROOT Sdn.bhd,
Sila dail: 012-8184214 TerimaKasih.


Gosh, I was shocked when I saw this sms!!!

I was not that dumb to believe on this sort of sms

and thought that my sim card is chosen to
win RM 20,000.00!

This was not the 1st time I received this kind of conning sms.

Due to my curiousitiness,
I called Power Root Sdn Bhd and pretend to
ask whether they organise this kind of contest.


They replied me that not to fall to this
conning sms and ignore it!

They had reported this conning sms to the police 2 times
but there's no any result from the police's investigation.
(Hmm..I'm suspecting on the effectiveness
and capabilities of the M'sia police.)


the important message that
I would like to bring out today,

do not ever and ever fall to such
conning sms with unknown phone no.

There are lot of have ppl have been
conned on this kind of sms,


Please don't let this happen to you or your love ones~

Do pass this message around!!
Stay Alert & Beware!!

DECANTER: A worth-to-eat place for western food lovers!!

Posted: 19 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Crappy Wrappy:
Hello guys~ How's ya weekends?? For me, I had a pretty fine weekends whereby I went out with my friends and relatives to some places that I haven't gone b4. I would like to thanks God that I do not need to work during weekends as I could take more rest and relax my soul+mind. The important thing that I can go to church on Sunday. I'm sure lotsa Christians not wish to work on Sunday, but sometimes due to working schedule, it's hardly to go to church on Sunday. Anyway, do thanks and praise God for what He has done to us everyday no matter it's good or bad.


As I promised in my previous post,
I wanna introduce to y'all a very good place
to have western cuisines!!


Yeap yeap yeap^^
Let's put our hands together for
DeCanter Restaurant
which located at Sec.17/56, PJ, Selangor.


This is a place that I love to have my western cuisine!!
Though it's not highly classical decorated
but the food is superb tasty!!


I tasted their western cuisines for 3 times and
thanks God that the food never let me down^^

They do not only provide western cuisines
but they do have Chinese cuisines as well~

Without any delay,
Let's check it out yourself below!!




This is how it looks like in the restaurant.
They do have several tables outside
which the so-called smoking area.


I love to look at these cutie paints
everytime I have my meal at DeCanter^^


I took this pic from my table~
Obviously, the theme color for this restaurant is Orange!!
I used to love Orange color b4~ *wink*


Random shot on my dining table~


Another random shot on the flower placed on every dining table~


Alright ppl,
I'm sure y'all can't wait for the western cuisines isn' it??
No worry, let's scroll down and so sorry
to make y'all hungry^^




The Cheese Chicken Chop~
On top of the chic.chop,
there're Turkey ham+Mozzarella Cheese!!
Besides, there're vegies aroud and Saute Potato^^
Rate: 4/5


The Mix Grilled Platter~
There're chic.chop, lamb cutlet, beef sausage,
chic.sausage, egg, turkey ham+vegies!!!'s a lot man and damn full
after u finish the whole thing!!


The Wild Mushroom soup~
I'm just Lovin' it so much!!
You wont get this in the menu as it's
only applicable in the Soup of the day^^
Rate: 5/5


The Garlic Bread~
It comes with the Mushroom Soup.
Rate: 3/5


The T Bone~
At 1st, I wonder what's it?
After explanation frm the waiter,
it's kinda like the grilled beef chop^^
It's only applicable in the special menu
whereby you can check it out on the blackboard.
Let view more pics on this cuisine below..


The vegies with Mashed Potato~
It's a homemade Mashed Potato!!
Taste not bad..^.^


The Grilled Cherry Tomatoes~
Muaks...I love it^^


What's this??
After finished the whole T Bone meal,
I just realised what T Bone stands for...
It's the shape of the Beef's bone^^
As I mentioned earlier, it's a special menu
as it's not served on everyday~
If you're lucky enough,
you can have it if it serves on
the day you go to this restaurant.
Rate: 4.5/5


Thanks to my special friend who recommended me
to have my ever delicious western cuisines in this restaurant~


Please [CLICK] to get the
location's map of DECANTER Sec 17 Restaurat


That's all for today^^
So sorry once again to make y'all hungry eh..

Do grab your car key and head to DeCanter Sec.17, PJ
and taste the delicious the western cuisines over there!!

Nice food is not worth to wait too long to try~~
Oh ya, their operation time is Mon-Sat, 12pm-12am!!
Remember: The last call order is 10pm!!

Take care everyone & Adios!!!

My Lovely Family Portrait Pic~~

Posted: 14 April 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Crappy Wrappy:
Dear all, so sorry that I did not update my blog earlier. I have been busy with my work and felt damn tired as I went for dinner with my colleagues after work in this week for 4 days in a row. Gosh~ I just realised that I was not fully coped with my working life. Hence, I prefer study life though there were lotsa assignments and tests. To update you guys, I will be more & more busy in the coming weeks as I am not only responsible in the technical support but also in the HR matters. Do continuous to pray for me as I could boost my strength and confidence in my work ya~ Between, I would like to thanks those who have given me lotsa support and concern in this new chapter of my life. Appreciate it so so so much..:) Love you guys always..

I wanna share with you guys the portrait pic of my family~
We shot it after 2 days of my convocation
which was on Mar 17 at Fotorex Portraits S/B at Jaya 1~
They promised that I could get the portrait pic after 1 month.
However, I got it earlier than the expected date^^
I wanna thanks my dearest mum and sis
who woke up early on that day b4 heading to Fotorex.
We were superb excited as this's the 1st time
we shot portrait pic.

At the same time, I hoped my dad
and youngest sis were there too.

Anyhow, we gotta look forward rite??
Yeap, I had a wonderful portrait pics
shooting with mum & sis.

I'm satisfied with the quality of my family's portrait pic~
Mum, me and sis look pretty in that pic.
After viewing the pic for several time,
my mum is the prettiest among 3 of us!!
Don't play play ar..
lotsa guys admired my mum way back to 30 years eh!!
let move on to view the
portrait pics without any delay^^





here it goes my family portrait pic+frame!!!
I gotta bring it bck to my hometown mayb nez year~


Next, this is my own portrait pic~
Whoa..feel a bit proud of myself leh..*perasaan*
I finally graduated adi lurrrrr!!!


Hmm~ I'm sorry that both pics above look kinda blur~
No worry, I got soft copy of it..
Let's check it out below!!


I did not edited much of this pic
but only on the frame+signature~
Personally, I love this pic so so so much!!!
I will always look at this pic when I miss my family~


my own portrait pic!!
Gosh..I hate how fat I look in this pic!!
I ate too much supper adi..gonna cut down cut down!!


I think that's all for today,
stay tune for the next post~
I got nice food to introduce to y'all!!!


Bye and take care everyone!!

Hotlink Games & Anime Festival 2009~

Posted: 09 April 2009 by Lisa717 in

Crappy Wrappy:

Sorry guys for the delay of my blog post.. How are you guys doing?? 2mr is Friday again which is the day that I feel superb excited as the day after Friday, I do not need to go to work. Hahaha..sounds childish isn't it? Hmm..this is the 3rd week of my job. I felt more n more stress and somehow moody on my job. There were lotsa things happened in this week which I could not handle well. I was wondering is this the job that I want to work for long term? Do I really love my current job? The answers I left it to my own as this is not a good idea to reveal my feeling towards my job. Anyway, we should not always blame instead of try our best in performing a task right? I will pray to God always for boosting up my strength and patient when I face obstacles in my job. I hope I will look forward and think postively all the time. Dear all, do pray for me during this challenging period of time ya, thanks~

today I gonna share all those pics that I took at
Hotlink Games & Anime Festival 2009 event @ BTS, KL~
As I mentioned in the previous post,
I never expect to camwhore with those mascot in the games/anime!
I manage to camwhore with them as
I have decided to go home at that moment~
This has proven that
we will not know what may happen
in the next second or in the future~
So, grab every great opportunities with no regret^.^
Let's scroll down
without any delay..




New game released by Hotlink-
Hotlink Warrior_Rise of the Robot.
(Hey, does the lady at left hand side looks alike Selina-
of S.HE, the taiwanese singers.)


Both of the guys above are also from the
Hotlink Warrior_Rise of the Robot game~


The Sparta's Warriors!
(Sorry that I've forgotten the game's name)


Yoh Yoh~
Have you guys watched the Watchmen Movie??
Though I havnt watched, but I did
camwhore with the actors & actress.
(Personally, I like the "Blue guy" veli much..
wonder how they putbthe blue paint
on his face & hands)


Here comes the characters from one of the Anime..
I'm not fancy with Anime & so sorry
that I dunno who were they.
But anyway, they looked cool on their outfits!!


I know they are from the game- Perfect World.
( much they hav used to make their costumes?)


The guy on the left was from the Anime-Bleach~
No idea with the funny guy on the right.


Bomberman got chicks eh!!
Hmm..3 of them were from one of the Anime.
(Sorry, not sure which Anime)


Trying to act cute lol~


I love her costume so much~
Looks adorable & cute~


The guy from Bleach anime~
He looks cool lol..


The girl on the right looks superb scary leh!
her eye balls are red too..


Seems like I've gone to another part of the world..


Star Wars~
The lady on the left looks damn scary too~


her lips are so funny+cute eh..


Dear Spartans,
please protect me~


No worry my dear pretty on the left,
I will kill this monster for God's sake~


Before I left,
I took a pic of the backdrop on stage~


That's all for today.
Stay tune for next post~


Wishing you guys have a
Joyous Good Friday & Easter day too!!