I love McValue Lunch Blogger Contest so much!!
Posted: 30 May 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels: McValue Lunch
Hey hey people,
Dear all, I am superb gay recently after I took part in McDonald's McValue Lunch Blogger Contest!! Why am I so so so & so gay?? Why?? *cough* Let me tell you a GOOD news that my Nuffnang's unique visitors have risen drastically!! Whoa..it's kinda unbelievable that such contest could help me gain more than 2 times of my previous daily unique visitors^^ Muahhhhhxxxxxx, I'm Lovin it>>McValue Lunch so much!!
Let's check out the statistic below!!
If you guys still not really understanding of what am I talking about~.
Let's check out the statistic below!!
Frankly speaking, I have put lot of effort in participating this contest as I desperately want the iPhone 3G so much!! Since I'm not a famous blogger whereby you can see that I oni got an average of 30 unique visitors per day. Since McValue Lunch Blogger contest requires the participants to promote their lunch by creating awareness, so I have dropped by many blogs to seek help from the bloggers to leave comments on my McD post^^
I've forgotten how many blogs I have dropped by but I 100% know that how many comments I have received in the McValue Lunch Contest post!! For the time being, I have received 64 comments after deducted 2 comments which wrote by me. Woo laaa laaa~~ this is unbelievable!! After blogging for more than a year, I never received that much of comments in one single post!!

I would like to express my gratefulness to all who has left comments to my blog post!! Without you guys, I won't get that much of unique visitors!! Thanks so much on your kindness+support+love to me and my blog!!

One more last thing I wanna say is I'm so so so so so Blessed that I got to know a lot of new bloggers where I never recognise before!! Hmm..I will introduce their names in the next post~~Nice meeting you guys once again and do remember to visit my blog often if you *heart* my blog!!.
Lastly, hopefully I cound bring the iPhone 3G home as I long for~~.
Wishing all have a wonderful weekends & God bless^^.