Last week, I'd moved to another rental room in another house..kinda tired on that week because it's my study week and I'm having final exam on this week..really worried of my preparation of exam during the days of moving my things from a house to another house.Throughout my life, I never move out from one house to another house before. I felt exhausted because I need to move many things out from the house I used to stay. I felt lazy when I need to arrange those things into the new rental house. Anyway, I wanna say "thanks" to those in helping me to move out to the new rental house. Without you guys, I gonna be mad!!! hehe...I've taken few pictures of my new rental room..though it's a small room but I still feel comfortable and likable staying in this little room^^+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+Let's welcome,>>>>>>>>My Little Room<<<<<<<<

Here's my front door looks like...
Take closer look on the hanging accessories below

~A cross: Jesus is the light of the world
~A MCKY photo frame: My family pic (can you figure out where am I?)

I've pasted 2 little Christian bible verses' cards on the wall besides my door^^
Let's go into "My Little Room"

Ahaaa..this is where I study and relax when I stay inside my room^^
What do you think??
~Messy?? (I do think so..) hehe..paiseh paiseh..

Though this pic is quite alike with the pic above,but there're sth can differentiate it^^
Do you what is it?? haha..kinda "lame" to ask you all about this @.@..
Let's encounter what I've in my room..

~4 Heineken bottles: A bottle opener inside of every bottle.
~4 Limited edition of "Mini Tiger Beer" bottles.
~A Xmas's snowman display.
~A "Gundam model".
~4 mini car toys.

~ 4 Limited edition McD "Hello Kitty" display.
~ A CJ7 plush toy.

~A 300 pieces of MCKY puzzle.

~My "Little Sign Board": Family pics, High school pic, Self pic & some notes.

Another side of my room:
~A pinky piggy plush toy^^
~A MCKY plush toy^^

~A pair of MCKY wedding couple plush toy frm HK Disney^^
~4 boxes of the Limited edition "Mini Tiger Beer" bottles^^
~A couple's cups display^^

~Here's where I become a "piggy"..
~Here's where I lay my tired body down..
~Here's also where I watch tv..
~A "brownish doggie" massager sleep with me^^

~This is the so called "cabinet" that I put my clothes^^

~This is my "little tv" that accompany me b4 I become "piggy"..
I brought this 15 years old Tv frm my hometown-Sabah by aeroplane,
am I "silly" that why I didn't buy a new 1 here??
If you wanna know why, leave a comment to me ya..hehe^^

~My table fan but it does not place on a table despite on a box..
why ler?? cz I don't have extra table to place it ler...
The last things I wanna introduce are..
Tadaaaa..~My purple teddy's "money saver"^^~A fancy table lamp^^^Here's how My Little room looks like, do you have any comment on it?? Don't hesitate to leave me a comment ya!!^^Thanks for viewing on My Little Room^