I just WON it!!

Posted: 30 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels:

Yeah yeah yeah^^
Last week, I just won -Juicy: Vibe to the Juiciest Diva Hits album!!!
Oh My God, I can't believe that I won this album..
It's a competition that I took part in
If any1 of you wanna win some exclusive prizes,
you may surf to the above website!!!
It's so simple,
all you hav to do is answer simple question!!
& wait for the result if you were the lucky 1^^
Let's have a peek at my Juicy Cd!!
It has 2 cds in it..
if you bought this at any music store costs RM46.50!!
But I m so lucky to get this for free!!

It almost has 35 tracks in this album..

&There's some famous diva songs in it too!!

If any1 of my course mates or my friends

wanna listen to the tracks in this album,

just let me know ya!!

Feel the PEACE at Upekka^^

Posted: 29 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Last 2 days, I jz went to "makan"/hav my lunch with my course mates at "Upekka" in Section 17!! They serve French & Local cuisine^^ Kinda unbelievable that there's French cuisine in Sec 17..

Well, b4 this I worked as part timer by giving out flyers in promoting this restaurant.. Haha..can't realise that I will try it out by my own!! The cuisine tat we ordered taste yummy yummy^^ You all can have a try!!

Let's move on too see what have I taken..

This is "Upekka means Peace from Within" registered name!!
"Upekka" is a Sanskrit word whereby its a Indian language.
(No wonder it sounds not English / Chinese lol)
This is the inner look of the restaurant~
Don't you feel PEACE??
Another side of Upekka Restaurant!!
can you see the color combination??
Yupe..once again.. PEACE!!
.I love the stair whereby there's plant besides it..
It really looks PEACE^^
.There's a bamboo tree whereby it makes the environment
looks more PEACE!!
Below pics were the tasty cuisines that we ordered^^
.*Upekka's Chicken Burger*
Rating: 4/5
Best Sell!!
This is what Winnie & I had ordered^^
(Hmm..how come we have same taste??)
Hey hey..this is a Homemade Burger..Don't Play play man!
Even the patty & mashed potato inside the burger also
handmade by the French Chef!!
*Fried Lou Xu Fun*
Rating 5/5
Best Sell!!
It's ordered by miao miao cat!
I've tasted it & it's totally different with what we ordered in
any chinese food stall or restaurant.
The way the local chef cook is perfect!!
Must try^^
*Yong Chow Fried Rice*
Rating 3/5
This was ordered by Huoy Ying^^
Not bad..not bad^^
*Tom Yam Chicken*
Rating 3/5
Miss Joanne ordered this^^
Dunno y it's not really taste like tom yam as we usually eat..
It's merely like the mixture of Curry+Tom yam!!
Sounds weird?? I guess so..
cz it has a bit sour & Curry taste..
& The last we've ordered is the
*Pineapple QQ Jelly Ice*
Don't ya feel wanna crave it for more & more??
It tasted not bad..the interesting thing inside it is the QQ Jelly!!
haha..knew what the shape of the QQ jelly on top on the ice look like the shape of..of..Sorry I can't describe it out cz I scare sm1 may sue me!!
Well, me & my course mates not forgot to take some pics at there too^^
Once you're inside there..you'll definitely feel PEACE!!
hehe..Frm Left: Joanne, Winnie & Huoy Ying^^
After PEACE, you may wanna CHEERS with the Free Iced Lemon Tea!!
(eh, cat!! Y u cheers with plate huh??)
Frm left: Huoy Ying, Winnie,Joanne & Cat^^
If you still can't feel the Peace from Within??
Let's take pic with the Bamboo tree lol..
Frm left: Huoy Ying, Lisa, Cat, Joanne & Winnie^^
& the last pic we took..
All of us wanna say:
Welcome to Upekka
2 feel the PEACE from within!!

Attention to every1:

* Student 10% Discount
*Free WIFI
*Excellent Coffee, Cheese /Chocolate Cake
* Pork Free
* Hot Food
* Price: RM5-RM26++
* Great place to meet, to relax/ chill out^^

627 Jalan 17/8
46400 Petaling Jaya
Behind Happy Mansion

"Huat You" = "Fxxx You"???

Posted: 27 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

In a peaceful evening, I was in the lecture class. I was too bored in the class & started to flip the newspaper which belong to my course mate-Jxxxx! Sorry ya, not available to tell her name cz I'm afraid of she will spank me!!
Suddenly, I saw an advertisement with the title- [What the...] I forgot what's the ads about. So, I quickly took a pen & added some words in the incomplete phrase.

I wrote : What the heck??
What the fxxx??
What the axx??
What the cxxx??
(I know I'm lame & rude..haha)
After that, I showed it to Jxxxx.. Then she replied me with "Huat You" in written form!! At 1st, I really did not know what does it mean.. So, she pronounced it to me-"Huat You"!! I was shock & spontaneously I knew it's meant-"Fxxx You" in english!!
Can you see what the cat showing to us??
Fxxx You!!
Oh Gosh, how can Jxxxx said sth like tat?? Hmm..I jz realized that she's a rude person too.. haha.. This tells us we shud not judge the book with its cover!!
Well, the story not yet end!!! Jxxxx told me the actual meaning of "Huat You" is not as what I said jz now... Actually "Huat" in Hokkien means “Getting Rich"..
So "Huat You" means You'll be getting Rich!! If in proper Hokkien, it shud be pronounced as "Huat Lu"..Lu at here mean You!! haha..

Don't think too much.."Huat You" does not mean "Fxxx You"
Once again,
"Huat You" means "You'll be Getting Rich"!!
Yeah~ "Huat You" to every1...

I am a Terrible person!!

Posted: 26 June 2008 by Lisa717 in

Oh My God, this is the 5th week of my new semester!!! Next week gonna has my 1st mid term exam in this semester..follow by the other subjects at week 7 onwards!! Many of my course mates have done more than Chapter 1 in the Final Year Project, but for me, I haven't done anything yet!!
I know doing work at Last Minute is not a good idea!! But ...but...but I am really a "lazy worm"! Oh gosh, please wake me up & scold me "kao kao" my dear frenz.. No no no..I couldn't let myself end up like this..I gotta drink more "Livita"!! Huh...does this make sense?? hehe..sorry..it's oni a lame joke.. Okay, let's get serious.. I must always remind myself that this is last 2 semester tat left for me to do well in my studies!! Yupe..I must aza aza fighting!! Lisa, U CAN DO IT!!

hmm..wait a minute ya..I wanna play some on9 games.. Oh Jesus~ What happen to Lisa?? Lisa, U jz said that U wanna study hard but now U wanna play games pulak?? How can you success in your future if U dun love urself??
Conclusion, Lisa is still blur with her own way!!
She doesn't love herself at all~
She needs support from her friends..
Wake up Lisa!! Make your mum proud of you!!
Don't be lazy anymore!!
Just Do It,
& You Can Do It!!!

MUST READ: Future prediction by Juseleeno!!!

Posted: 24 June 2008 by Lisa717 in

Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.

Future predictions:

2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.

2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China , simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.

2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America

2010: The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.

2010, 15th June: The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.

2011: The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.

2013, 1st – 25th November: Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands. A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to 20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.

2014: A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.

2015: By the mid of November, the average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.

2016, April: A huge typhoon will invade China, causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.

2026, July: A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named “The Big One”. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.

Mr. Juseleeno made known his predictions in hopes that people will take heed of his warnings, so that these disasters may be avoided. He hopes there will be a major change in the thinking of people’s mindsets in the time period 2007 – 2008.

One factor will be the environmental issue of global warming, which is more serious than what some meteorologists assume.

必读: 預知地球與人類之未來的預言家!!

Posted: 24 June 2008 by Lisa717 in

Mr. Juseleeno是巴西的一名預言家,他出生於1960年,今年47嵗。曾預言過許許多多的世界性的災害與事件,包括:九一一事件、伊拉克戰敗後海珊總統被捕被判刑、印尼囌門答臘海上大地震與印度洋海嘯、羅馬教王保羅二世辭世等等。





雖然中國是在奧林匹克運動會結束之後才會發生地震,但9.1級的大地震之前會有頻繁的小地震發生,中國政府只顧面子以世界運動會之成功與否為最優先考量的話,而忽視了頻繁的前震,事前都沒有做任何對策的可能性很高。中國政府也許會根據情況而發佈報導管制將預兆的前震之發生對內於對外一切封閉。如此的做法絕對會如預言所述災害慘重。Mr. Time Trabeler John Taiter的遺言:“2004年在希臘雅典舉行的奧林匹克是最後的一次。”







2026年:7月舊金山會發生超巨大地震被稱爲“The Big One”聖安德列斯大斷層會被破壞,加州會崩垮掉。很多火山口會重新開啓,海嘯的高度也會超過150米。




Yo..Yo..Yogurt Berry^^

Posted: 21 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Hello hello..how are you my dear friends out there?? It's been 4 months already that I blogging here.. I ever wonder I might stop blogging when I start to feel bored & no any idea to blog.. Well, I will try my best to spend my time to blog & share what I've encountered in my life.. No worry ya..

Today, I wanna share with you all a "desert restaurant"- Yogurt Berry which situated at Times Square, Kuala Lumpur!! They mostly sell different flavors of toppings for the Yogurt Ice-cream~

I like the ambiance of this restaurant as it is decorated with "romance tone" of color like red, pink, white & etc. It really suits for the couple to hang out at such place^^

Com'mon..com'mon..let's have a look the pics below^^


This the restaurant name-Yogurt Berry^.^
This lighting board is placed on the ceiling..cool rite??

I love this very much^^ It's a "Huge Heart" with tons of "roses"!!
It's placed on the wall..nice for photo shooting^^

I'm so excited to take pic with this "Huge Heart"!!
haha..love the effect of this edited pic~
Thanks to myself of editing it..hehe..lame~

Can you see the "cutie" chairs & tables!!
Lov'in it!! Doesn't it feel good to hang out with ya beloved 1 or friends there??

Hmm..I've ordered this-Yogurt Ice-cream+ Cocktail fruit topping!!
& guess how much is it?? Freak me out man,
costs me RM8++..

This is another side of the restaurant~
You can prefer to sit here too as if you thought
you're "too big" to sit on the "cutie" chair..hehe

Though the decoration is simple but look warmth to me^^

If ya free..welcome to Yogurt Berry & taste the delicious Yogurt Ice-Cream!!

Before I leave, I oso not forget to take the pic of a "artificial" yogurt ice-cream..I m not sure how much is this cost..I gues it may be above RM15++!!

Hope ya enjoy viewing at this post^^
Good day to u all..emuaksssss..

A day at Pool^^

Posted: 19 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

First time, I went to pool with my dearest course mates.. What a wonderful day to go to pool with them..

Anyway, I've a secret that I wanna reveal here..That is...that is...I duno how to swim la..Please don't giggle at me ya..

Mayb some of you out there may ask y m I still go to pool even though I duno how to swim?? haha..good question!!

I went to pool bcz I like the environment there..& I like to "play" water..haha.. I like to "soak" myself in the water as I can wonder that I am in the Jacuzzi..haha..really hoping I have a Jacuzzi bath tub in my house^^

Anyway, let's take a look at those pics below tat I took at the pool..

This is the Sunset scenery that I took from the pool^^
Doesn't it look warm+peace??

This is how the pool look like^^
Doesn't it look nice??
It's an outdoor pool..veli nice 1!!

Yeah~ 2 pretty babez & 1 "so po"/silly gal who is me~~
Left: Agnes & Joanne & .....me....
Paiseh to show this pic la..
Stop giggling ya!!

1 more pretty babe!! Frm left: Cat & Joanne^^
Thanks for having fun with me on the day at pool ya~
Love u all so much..not forget Agnes too..hehe..

Jeh jeh jeh..U think u're swimmer meh??
haha..posing like a "Good swimmner" pulak..
By the way, I'm hoping to learn swim with F.O.C...
Swimming is a good exercise, I'm sure that I can lose more fat by swimming!
I wish I've a pool in my house lo,
can "soak" myself whenever I want..
Don't it feel good??
haha..I guess so..

Debbie Goh 吴天瑜 has sth to say...

Posted: 17 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Age of Glory 情牵南苑 has officially ended~
Hmm..kinda sad & not willing to watch the last episode ler..
Cz the main actress "meigui" :[Debbie Goh] has died in the end..
what a depress ending, I m sure a lot of you out there like me not willing to see "meigui" die lo..am I right??
Anyway, "Debbie Goh has sth to say" in her personal blog to all of the AOG fans out there..kindly click the below link ya~
Let's put our hands together for this famous drama ever
in Msia-Age of Glory!!

Thanks to the AOG's actors, actresses, director & the production crews as well in making this successful drama!!
Bravo to AOG!! It really rockxxx the audiences in Msia once again!!
Let's salute to AOG!!
& Sayonara to AOG!!
Lastly, thanks for bringing back the "Hope" in Msia Film Production^^
You guys are rockxxx!!

Thanks to the 3 main actressess of AOG once again^^
Left: Aenie Wong, Debbie God & Danielle Dai
You all really acted successfully in AOG..
Wish you all the best in your career!!

Happie Papa's Day^^

Posted: 15 June 2008 by Lisa717 in

How to say "DAD" in various Languages:

Afrikaans: Vader
Bangla: Baba or Abba
Basque: Aita
Bolognese: Pèder
Brazilian Portuguese: Pai
Breton: Tad
Chinese: Ba (Baa)
Cree (Canada): Papa
Croatian: Otac
Czech: Táta, Otec
Dakota (USA): Ate
Dutch: Vader, Papa or Pappie
East African: Baba
English: Father, Dad, Daddy, Pop, Poppa or Papa
Filipino: Tatay, Itay, Tay or Ama
French: Papa
Galician: Pai
German: Banketi or Papi
Hebrew: Abba (h)
Hindi: Papa or Pita-ji
Hungarian: Apa, Apu, Papa or Edesapa
Icelandic: Pabbi or Faðir
Indonesian: Bapa, Ayah or Pak
Irish: Athair or Daidí
Italian: Babbo
Japanese: Otosan or Papa
Judeo: Spanish, Padre, Baba or Babu
Kikuyu: Baba
Kiswahili: Baba
Ladin: Pere
Latin: Pater, Papa or Atta
Luo (Kenya): Baba
Malay: Bapa
Maltese: Missier
Modern Greek: Babbas
Nahuatl (Mexico): Ta'
Nepali: Buwa
Norwegian: Pappa or Far
Persian/Farsi: Pedar, Pitar or Baabaa
Polish: Tata or Ojciec
Portuguese: Pai
Quechua: Tata or Churiyaqe
Romanian: Tata, Parinte or Taica
Russian: Papa
Sanskrit: Tàtah or Janak
Sicilian: Patri
Slovak: Otec
Spanish: Papá, Viejo or Tata
Swedish: Pappa
Swiss German: Vatter
Turkish: Baba
Urdu: Abbu, Abbu-ji, Abbu-jaan
Venetian: Pare, Popà, 'Opà, Pupà or Papà
Welsh: Tad

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the "Papas" in the world a very Happie Papa's Day!! Though I could not celebrate Papa's day with my papa anymore..but I still wanna say "Happie Papa's Day" to my papa who is now with our Lord, Jesus Christ in heaven..

I will always remember what my papa taught me & told me..you are always my greatest papa!! I love you papa forever, there's no one love me so much as you & mama do.. Thanks of raising me up & thanks for everything.. I am always proud to be your daughter my dear papa..

- At Myspacejunks.com

Once again..Happie Papa's Day to my papa &
all the Fathers on the earth!!

- At Myspacejunks.com

My Gorgeous Tattoo!!

Posted: 15 June 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Last week, I've been to the 6th Global Indian Shopping Exhibition at Mid Valley.

Hmm..I'm sure some of you out there have been there rite?? There's a lot of Indian Accessories that I never seen before..I've taken some pics of those accessories..hopefully can share with u all next time.

Today, I wanna share with you "My gorgeous Tattoo". This is a "Henna Tattoo"-Mehndi, so called the "Indian Tattoo". I think in some occasions, you can see such tattoo on the hands of the Indians.

Let's move on to see the pics of "My gorgeous Tattoo"^^


This is the tattooist who started to apply da tattoo for me..
This kind of tattoo is painless & temporary, so it suits for those scare of pain & want a temporary tattoo in any occasion~

This is the half way tattoo which is not yet finish^^

Ahaaaa~ It's done!! But still nid to wait for 1 hour to dry..
oooOopss..my hand look like guy ler..
big & rough..sob sob..

The is the pic shows the tattoo is almost dry & ready to wash it away..

Finally~ it's completely done..
Actually I think I've chosen the wrong design ler..
hmm..nt suit me at all..
But anyway, its a good experience for me..

Before I leave, I manage to take a pic with my
"Henna Tattoo's tattooist"!!
She is a Sri Lankian..what a pretty lady..
really thx her so much!!

Lastly, a pic of "My gorgeous Tattoo" for me to treasure
bcz such tattoo can onli last for 1 week- 3 weeks..
For sure I must treasure this memorable experience^^
WIsh ya all Good Day ^.^