My Exclusive Tickets & Merchandises^^

Posted: 31 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , ,

Have you all been to the "Film carnival" at One Utama/1U?? It's commenced on 28 May till 2 June 2008!! If you all have not been there yet..better hurry up cz it's onli left 3 days to get the "Exclusive Tickets & Merchandised"!!!

I'm glad that I've won lot of upcoming movie tickets & movie merchandises..If you all wanna get it, you just need to play easy games & answer easy "Movie Trivia"!!

I gotta show you what've I got during my 1st visit to "Film Carnical"...


"Upcoming Movie Tickets"
Every1 does Love these so much..Let's see what tickets I got^^
1. Prom Night-Free 1 ticket after purchasing 1 normal price ticket.
2. Meet Dave (Special Screening)- Admits for 2.
3. Doomsday (Preview Screening)- Admits for 2.
4. Star Wars: The Clone Wars- Admits for 2.
5. The Happening- Admits for 2.

I love these very much too^^
1. Stickers from "Kungfu Panda".
2. "Kungfu Panda" Tumbler from Tupperware.
3. "Kungfu Panda" canister from Tupperware.

Exclusive T-shirt from the movie- One Missed Call^^

Character Pen from the movie-Horton hears a who^^
(I hope I didn't spell wrong for the movie name ya)

Cutie Hand Stamp Set from the movie- Alvin & The Chipmunks^^

Goodies from Celcom X Pax^^
Consist of Sitckers, Key Chains & Pen..

Little Posters from the movie- The Simpson's & Fantastic 4..
A file folder from the movie- Anak Halal..

Glass Sticker from the upcoming movie- WALL.E

Cool Postcards & Glass stickers from the movie-Speed racer^^

Anyway, I still got a lot of posters from some upcoming movies-
The X-Files, The Happening, The Dark Knight ..
Hope you all will get those Movie tickets & Merchandises as what I've got..
Have a nice day to you all^^
& Happie Film Carnival..

Gay Time at Shabu Shabu^^

Posted: 29 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Yesterday, I went to "Shabu Shabu" restaurant (famous with Steamboat) with my course mates after gym!! Though we felt extremely exhausted but we felt gay+contented with food!! Anyway, we've named each other with a new nick name & we r the "Nicknames Galz"!! Kinda silly+weird lol for some of the nick names..haha..but it's fun having dinner with them^.^ Later those nick names will reveal to you all in the pics below..

Let's check it out..

Ahaa~~ before we started to eat "steamboat", we quickly grab desserts to treat our tummy those desserts are 1st come 1st serve, tat's y we took tat much. Act we've eaten more than that, merely twice than you see in the pic!! Don't we look like "Dinosaur"??

Here's my friends, look at them..eating oso wanna b so concerntrate..I think they were extremely hungry!!

Whoa~~take it slowly..there's lot of foods behind there waiting for you!!!

hmm..~ after "makan"/eat..let's have a drink^^

here's our "Crab Mum"/蟹妈 (cz she loves to eat seafood esp. "Crab")..haha..she insists to take her pic with the glasses in front of her as to show tat she has drank lot of "iced lemon tea" wor..swt@.@

From left: our "Vege mum"/菜妈!! (cz she loves to eat da vege called-小白菜)..The 1 at right is our "Wangi/fragrance mum"/香妈!! (cz on that day she keep on singing a chinese song named-夜来香)..anyway, sounds not bad rite their nicknames!!

hahaha~ funny face to show u all^^Well..all of you adi known the nicknames of my course mates besides me, my nick name is "Rose mum"/瑰妈!! (cz I love to watch AOG esp. the "Rose" cast)..don't you all think that we r too free to think about these nicknames?? hehe..i think so~

What 3 of you doing la?? wanna poke our "wangi/fragrance mum"??

Hey hey..the 1 taking pic..I m not ready yet la..Y so fast take this pic? OMG, what've I seen inside the cup?? got "snack" inside it??

ei~ "Crab mum"..that's not ur goggle la..haha..funny lo~ "Wangi/fragrance mum" nt yt full? still wanna eat??

I really do not know what we are posing in this it we wanna promoting the bag??haha..i guess so^^

AIyohyoh.."vege mum" & "crab mum" you think u all couple meh?? hmm..drinking "ice lemon tea" nia bt stil wanna cross hands..hahaha..

"Vege mum" said: "rose mum", i think u adi "mabuk la..
"Rose mum: replied: What "mabuk"?? I just drink "iced lemon tea" la!!

Please.."crab mum", don't bully "rose mum" again please....

Alright, that's good~ Be good ya both of you - "crab mum" & "rose mum"~!~

There you go.."vege mum" & "wangi/fragrance mum" are always the close 1!! smile...

One last shot, from left: "rose mum" (not bad, i m wearing red too=red rose!!), "crab mum", "wangi/fragrance mum" &...&..opppss..where is "vege mum"???? is she being eaten by the "Vege monster" adi??

The end of the story the "nicknames galz" at Shabu Shabu^^

Unbelievable dance of xxxx

Posted: 28 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Today I wanna share an "Unbelievable" dance of some1 that I knew with the [Age of Glory] actress- Aenie Wong!!!

Actually I do not want to reveal this video clip to you all but since there's lot of my close friends wanna I upload this to "fulfill" their "desires"..wuahahaha^^

Hope you all enjoy^.^ By the way, if you all know who is that "brave" gal..please leave it to urself ya..don't spread it out!! If not, I sure being scolded by the person!!

So sorry that the format of this video is not good, while you watch it does not run smooth..Hopefully u all will like it..

Remember~ after you watch this, "clear" it off from you brain!! haha..
No Laughing..No Pin-pointing!!

Kungfu Panda in Cinema June 6^^

Posted: 27 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Kindly browse ur cursor/"mouse" to the pic below to get more info.^^


Though Panda is clumsy+fat but he can b literate in "Kungfu" too..
Don't miss this movie-Kungfu Panda in Cinema commence on 6th June!!

Great time at "Enchanting Onederland" event^^

Posted: 26 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , , ,

Yupe yupe yupe~ yesterday I'd the opportunity to join the last day of One Utama's OneCard "Enchanting Onederland" 1st anniversay celebration!!! phew...the name I just mentioned kinda long ler..hehehe

Well, I'd lot of fun there..haha..could play game & took pics with the "Fairy Tales's characters" too.. & I'd received lot of small gifts in the same time...Thx Lord that I gt this chance to explore & experience more in such event^^

Let's scroll down..check it out what hav I taken...


hmm..juz knew the middle 1 is the "Pirate"..Well, the other 2 in "red costumes", I've no idea..are they the "Queen & King" in the movie- "Alice in Wonderland"?? I guess so..^.^

It's me & 3 of them^^ Happi happie...
Where am I?? haha..I'm standing just behind the "Queen & King" lol^^

Ha.. I think I did not miss out the "characters" that appeared on the event. I guess all of them are here in this pic.. Don't freak, that little gal is juz one of the audiences on tat you see tat?? she wanna kill the "Aladdin"!!

From left: "The Soldier, Pirate, Cinderella, Aladdin, Snow White" & me as well.. What happen to them?? They shouldn't be "hip-hopers" rite?? babe^^

Wow^^ Took pic with handsome "Pirate & Aladdin"!! I guess the "Aladdin" is mix ler..Doesn't he look cute?? haha..

Yeah~ This time took pic with pretty "Snow White & Cinderella"!! I should wear a costume as well in order to suite them rite?? hahaha..what "Fairy tales' character" that suite me??
. you know what character is she in the fairy tale?? If I'm not mistaken, she is the "Little Red Riding Hood"! Am I right??

Took this at "Bar-B-Q Plaze" which is one of the station in "Yellow Brick Road Game"'s sth like "treasure hunt" game!!

Ahaa..this is the bricks in "Yellow Brick Road Game"..we gotta collect it one by one when we reach every shop/station in order to finish the game.. In the mean time, we will get a small gift when we reach every shop/station..We've been to 7 shop/stations n the last 1 is goin back at where we start which is the registration counter..

This is the gifts that I gt from the "Yellow Brick Road Game"!! Let's see what I've got:
1. An egg tart from "Tom King".
2. An instance pic that took with the "Queen & King".
3. 2 coupons from "Carl's Jr".
4. 1 coupon from "Bar-B-Q plaze".
5. 1 cute+pinky pencil from "Present4them".
6. 1 sticks scene from "Dzambala".
7. 1 multi-used torch with fan- A gift from ONEcard priviledge!

Wanna thanks ONEcard that I'd great times on yesterday!!
If you wanna get these "great times" in the future as well,
you may Sign up "Onecard" at One Utama!!
You can get lot of "surprise" that you might not expect of^^

Let's take part in Million Blog List^^

Posted: 24 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

My blog is listed at #1432

Get listed at

Do you believe that there's 70,000,000 blogs in the world??
Well, u gotta believe it as according to Wikipedia "Million Blog List"!!
This is an experiment to see how long does it take to
reach 1,000,000 blogs to be listed on this site.

The question is "Will it work"??
Don't hesitate to take the poll and list your blog into the "Million Blog List"!!

Wanna Get Closer with [Age of Glory] artists??

Posted: 24 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , , , , ,

Get closer with the "Famous Actors & Actresses" of [Age of Glory]!!

Dear [Age of Glory] fans out there..
Recently, I've found the links of the dearest actors & actresses!!
Check out their blogs or even Friendsters to get closer with them ya^^
Hopefully the link is correct~ Enjoy ya^^

^Debbie Goh- 吴天瑜^

Blog: debbie 吴天瑜 blog

^Leslie Chai-蔡可立^

Blog: Leslie dreamBlog!

Friendster: Leslie Chai

^Danielle Dai-戴倩云^


Friendster: Danielle 戴

^Melvin Sia-谢佳剑^

Blog: 零度空间

Friendster: KaKio Sia

^Aenie Wong-王淑君^

Blog: My Blog

Friendster: EmBrYo AeNie Wong

^Fred Le-李洺仲^

Friendster: Fred Le

^"玫瑰的二妈" (sorry guys, i dunno her real name)^

Blog: 猫猫部落格

Friendster: 猫猫
Wish you all Happie Reading at their "blogs/friendsters"!!

If you all have any updated info. don't hesitate to tell me^^

Enchanting Onederland^^

Posted: 23 May 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , , ,

Yesterday I went to One Utama Shopping Mall & I saw there's an event is being set up there. It's the OneCard's 1st anniversary~ The theme for this celebration is "Enchanting Onederland"!! Sounds not bad rite?? There's fabulous prizes to be given away & Fairy tale's real life shows presentation, so don't wait any longer to join them from 21 May-25 May 2008^^

Well, I've taken some pics to show to you all..
hope it's interesting enough to attract you all to be there^^

This is the front look of "Enchanting Onederland" event!!
Do you notice that there's a lot of "gigantic" items such as
stationeries & books that we often used??
What do you think? Coollll^^

A closer look of the "gigantic" books model at the left hand side of the event^^

It's the right hand side look of the stage^^

Do you notice that there's a "spectacle" in front of the book?? Well, if u were there..u gotta go near it in order to see it clear^^

Another "gigantic" books model at the right hand side corner of the stage^^

A "gigantic" ancient watch model^^

A so-called "Drop sand timer"^^ Act, I forgot what the real name of this thingy~

Wow~ what a "big" pencil..!!
Sorry guys, it's not for's only for sitting..
Don't you notice that there's few benches beside it??

A "gigantic" book model which promoting "Enchanting Onederland" event^

Another "gigantic" book model which shows the itinerary of the event^^

Hahaha..It's me with the magnificent+big book model!!

Again, another book model 2 promote "Enchanting Onederland" event^^

Hehe..its me & the "Snow white"! Oh my's a Chinese Snow White.. pin-pointing ya~

Finally, it's me again in "promoting" this "Enchanting Onederland" event!!
Anyway, where's my left hand?? Gone?? Miserable~~

This is the itinerary flyer of the One Utama's "Enchanting Onederland" event!!
Kindly click it for larger visual^^
Wish ya all Good Day & God bless^^