Hello to all of my dearies,
really sorry for the great MIA again!!!
Due to the hectic study life that I had earlier,
I've bounded to be less motivated and lazy to update my blog!!!
Feel so guilty to the max!!
Well, I'll not let it be in that way as I'm trying my best now to update it^^
Actually, I'm having 3 weeks of holiday now and it's only left 1 week!!
Gosh, why time flew that fast??
How I wish there is a time machine or Mr.Doraemon by my side^^
In this post, I would like to share a brief review of
what have I done I have done in the 1st semester of my studies in Tuaran, Sabah.
Without any delay, let's have a peep below^^
~In January~
1. Stuffs that I received on the 1st day I reached IPG Kampus Kent, Tuaran [24/1/11].
2. The 1st group pic of my TESL class with the Exco during our orientation week [27/1/11].
~In February~
1. Group pic of my class after the Mini Marathon, it's a super TIRING day but after all it's FUN. [12/2/11].
2. Only 17 out of 20 of us snapped pic during the Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan (KOT) in Stadium Penampang. It's a 3 days event and my task was helping out as the Red Cresent member. It's actually my 1st time joining Red Cresent Society and I felt kinda nervous and blurred. [18,19,21/2/11]
3. Group pic after our 4D3N B.I.G (Bina Insan Guru) camp with the camp commander. To me, it's a super exciting experience as we did go for kayak-ing, hiking in the jungle where we walked across those scary swamp!! [22-25/2/11]

~In March~
1. Pic of the Fingerlady vege.which me and my group partner-Evelyn planted for our Kemahiran Hidup's assignment. It's surprising that it grew well as we planted it in a not-so-sure condition. Will show you guys more pic regard to the final product of it! [10/3/11]
2. Group pic me and my partner with the teachers as we went for the S.B.E (School Based Experience) in SK.Kinasaraban, Kota Belud for 2 weeks. We were so glad that all of the teachers in that school were so good to us and it's a great pleasure to learn so much from them in becoming a good teacher. [21/3-1/4/11]

~In April~
1. Pic of us with our Tennis's instructor/coach after the Tennis Tournament among the IPG staffs. We were actually the umpires on that day and it's good to have such experience. [1-3/4/11]
2. Pic of me with my own "Batik" masterpiece. To me, it's a new stuff to learn and I enjoyed it a lot!! [8/4/11]
3. Pic of us at the pottery factory. I did blog about this earlier and you guys may check it out [HERE}. [14/4/11]
4. Pic of my cross stitch piece. Frankly, my dearest cousin did give a little help in it too. Well, I'm not that feminine to do such craft and it really took a lot of my time to accomplish it. Thanks God that it's done in the end. [19/4/11]

~In May [part 1]~
1. Some of our "Batik" masterpieces which exhibited during our Pendidikan Seni Visual exhibition. It's a 2 days exhibition which exhibiting our masterpieces in different areas. [5-6/5/11]
2. Pic of my group member during the Red Crescent Society Camp. Again, a 4D3N camp whereby all of us were feeling tired and sleepy all the time as there were lot of activities. [9-12/5/11]
3. Pic of our dearest TESL lecturers with us during Mdm.Rosemary's birthday celebration at Kampung Nelayan Floating Seafood Market Restaurant in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. An enjoyable and memorable night that I will treasure deep down inside my heart! [13/5/11]
4. Us at the closing ceremony of "Mini Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan" which organised and participated by us. It's a super fun day and thanks God that most of the preparation stuffs did sail smoothly. [21/5/11]
~In May [part 2]~
1. Another great night of us at 1 Borneo shopping mall, Kota Kinabalu. We did go for bowling session with 1 of our lecturers and some of us went for K-session later on. It's a great day for me to release my stress in the midst of our hectic life. [21/5/11]
2. Pic of our 3D teaching aid for Red Crescent Society. The umbrella on the left is the most outstanding and did impress the lecturer very much. Bravo to the group who did that. Indirectly, I've gained new ideas to produce more creative teaching aids from this activity. [25/5/11]
3. Haha..that's me during my short session of micro-teaching for TESL. Actually, my English proficiency still very low and I'm super afraid to be an English teacher in the future. I pray to God that it will improve so that I can teach my pupils well in the coming days. [25/5/11]
4. Me and my group members for Kemahiran Hidup's assignment which was the last assignment being handed in on our 1st semester. This assignment was about designing or inventing a new tool. We have chosen to create a multi-purpose rack by using bottles and mounting board. [26/5/11]
That's all for today's post~
I knew it's a long post and I'm sorry if it really bored you~
Hope you guys enjoy^^
Take care and may God bless every1 of you abundantly^^