Redilicious CNY Times Square~
Posted: 16 January 2009 by Lisa717 in
Crappy Wrappy:
Hye everyone, I'm now at Kota Kinabalu ( The capital of the Land below the Wind-Sabah). Well, this is not my hometown (@ Sandakan). I came here to visit my cousin's family. It's been almost 2 years I did not come to Kota Kinabalu. It's great to be here again!! Anyway, I will be back to my hmtown by next Monday (Jan 19). So, I gotta spend my time here thoughtfully. Act, I been here bcz my cousin seek my help to be the driver and babysitter as her husband has gone to KL for 2 days. I felt good that I can get the experience to drive in Kota Kinabalu and spend time with my cutie nieces!! Gosh..they are really cute esp.the younger daughter of my cousin~
Since the Chinese New Year(CNY) 2009
is around the corner~
I would like to share couple of pics tat I took at Times Square~
Those pics are about the CNY decoration
and it's the 1st CNY decor.that I saw in this year!!
It's splendid tat I gt the chance to camwhore the deco.
even though I did not celebrate CNY at KL..
let's check out those pics together!!

The gorgeous pic of the day!!
The gigantic Tanglung/Lantern which is
one of the CNY symbolism~~
Love tis pic so so much^^

It's Redilicious everywhere~~
Red is always the symbolism of Chinese New Year!!

Looking at the gigantic Tanglung/Lantern from the ground floor~

I can't wait for CNY
(cz can get Angpau/the Red packet v $$$)!!
Let's snap a pic & rejoice~~

The Blossom!!!
Its also one of the CNY symbolisms~~
I just felt like I was at Tokyo,Japan (Perasaan-Ing)

It's a CNY theme picture snapping board
for you guys to camwhore & embrace the great ambiance of CNY!!

there's Chinese Orchestra performance
in front of the main entrance^^
Lotsa people are enjoying the
soothing performance very much!!
I got 1 more location of the CNY KL,
do stay tune ya everyone!!!
That's all 4 today,
take care ^^