Dear readers,
u gotta be patient cz this post comprise of tons of pics!!
Before viewing at those pics, please give me some time to
capture some words from my heart..
here came the day of the Soft Skills Campaign~
Me & my course mates were very anxious about our campaign
as we were the 1st group to present our campaign
to over 300 students included lecturers as well.
The day b4 our campaign,
we stayed back in Uni from 10am til the nez day 5.30am!!
Gosh, it's my 1st time stay back in Uni for that long period of time!!
We were doing those preparation stuff such as decorating the hall,
paste and parcel the backdrop for the campaign & press conference,
doing paper work and etc.
all of the hard work has been pay off!!
Although we did not have a marvelous campaign,
but I do wanna thank God that overall it's alright..
I wanna thanks to those who has stayed back with us til 5.30am!!
I won't mention who did not stay back but anyway thanks every1
esp.the Tutorial 1 students who had helped us alot during the campaign
in making this campaign a successful 1^^
Let's check the pics of my campaign out^^

This is the backdrop of our Soft Skills Campaign~
(The measurement of the cloth is 20ft x 7ft, it's really huge for us to paste all of the alphabets made by the Styrofoam on the cloth. Though it's not perfectly done, but at least our hard work paid off.)

long queue of students who were registering themselves
to attend to our campaign!!

These were goodies bags for the audiences who
were attending our campaign!!

That's me!!
Ooppss..I look tired cz not enuff sleep since I slept for
3 hrs only~~
Yupe, I was giving out the goodies bags to the audience^^

The campaign commenced by the opening speech of the VIP-
Dr Yeoh, vice president of UTAR~

Front row was seated by the VIPs and lecturers~

campaign director was given his speech~

After the speech by our campaign director,
it's time to have some music!!'s the
welcoming performance by
our team members and their friends!!

Bow wow!!
pyramid pose by the cheer leading dancers!!
Lotsa audiences love this part of dance!!

The dance ended with the
mascot appearance^^
They've shouted out:
Soft Skills Your Compass For Success~
That's our campaign slogan..

After the dance,
a last speech by
Mr.Chin, deputy dean of FCI, UTAR.

This is the
campaign launch part
whereby the VIPs were pressing the red button~
After pressing the button, balloons & confetti dropped from the ceiling~

it's the exhibition tour whereby the VIPs were escorted by a student who was responsible to explain the details of the info at the exhibition~

makan+ing/refreshment time!!! Curry Chicken & mihun!!!
hmm...these were priority for the lecturers & VIPs only~~~

the food for the students not bad too~
Lotsa variesty of kuih muih to be chosen!!!

While the audiences makan+ing,
a shot on the stage whereby balloons & confetti were all over the stage~

Okay, after refreshment..
Let's get back into bizness!!
Mostly every campaign or event does have press conference,
we did have
press conference for our campaign too^^

There were 3 persons sat in front who answering the questions from the journalists.
There's a camera shooting at the conference room too~
(The journalists were those students from Journalism courses and etc.)

While the press conference was goin on,
there's a talk by Ms.Lok, Manager of Dpt of Soft Skills Competency, UTAR.
The title of the talk is
The Importance of Soft Skills^^

Before the campaign end,
we did have games for the audience~~
This was the so called
"paste and parcel" game!!
Wow~ They were really concentrating to win the prize^^

After exciting games,
it's the
Lucky Draw session^^
1st of all, we invite the representative from the
Ministry of Human Resources to pick some lucky no.~~

we invited
Pn.Anita to gv out the prize to the lucky winner!!

At last,
we have invited
Dr.Selva to present the
grand prizeto a sweet lucky winner!!
The grand prize is the
Half year of free gym and a laptop bag"!!
WOw..I hope it's mine ler..
And finally the campaign ended happily^^All of audiences went off with their goodies bags!!Sayonara every1 & thanks for attending to our campaign~~...I hope you guys hav witnessed what I've been bz bz atfor the past few weeks from this post~~...There's few more pics to be uploaded in the next post~Do stay tune!!