"Half Day Stand" v Debbie Goh [Part 2]
Posted: 17 April 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: Debbie Goh, penang, travel
After meeting with Debbie Goh as mentioned in the previous post,
we were so pleased to have a short while of
chatting session with her^^
I took out those photoz that I took
with her last time to get her autograph!!
Not forget, I brought 2 magazines which featured
her news along to get her autograph too!!
After meeting with Debbie Goh as mentioned in the previous post,
we were so pleased to have a short while of
chatting session with her^^
I took out those photoz that I took
with her last time to get her autograph!!
Not forget, I brought 2 magazines which featured
her news along to get her autograph too!!
Actually, the 1st time i got her autograph was way back to 2 years ago during the "Age of Glory" roadshow in Sg.Wang. She signed on the poster & that's my 1st & only autograph of her~ But, now I've got more than 1 of her autograph!! Yayyyyyy!!!
After our chatting session with Debbie Goh, she brought us to...
Hrrmmmppp..where is it??
Doncha think that this is a nice antique clock??
Dontcha think that there's "retro" feel at this place??
Can you firgure out what place is this??
Can you firgure out what place is this??

Taaaadaaaa..ain't there's lotsa food??
we were actually having meal with her at a western restaurant^^
Though the food look good but it didn't taste good enough~~

After makan, we went back to the shooting place~
Too bad that Debbie Goh couldn't finish her work early,
so we decided to wait for her till her work ended^^

While waiting, we simply snap here and there & we saw
Debbie Goh was practicing with her partner
before the next shooting commenced~~

Here comes our great president-LC
who were so passionate to take pics all night long~~

Her hair is so funny just like "Maggie Mee" (instant noodle)!!
I just can't get rid of it and wanted to eat "IT"!! muahahahhaha~~

That's us!!

My god, why did LC (2nd from left) has such face??
We didn't bully her eh..but why did she look so INNOCENT??

That's Debbie Goh with LC~
Well, she's not forget to chat with us when
she's a lil bit of break time^^
Thanks Debbie, love u!!

Another pic with Debbie Goh during her short break!!
She's gorgeous as always!!!

After waited for Debbie Goh for almost
4 hours at her shooting place^^
At the end, thanks God that we had supper with her!!
Even though she & her mum were superb tired
but she still willing to join us for supper!!
That's all of my meet up session with Debbie Goh in Penang!!
It's gonna be another precious page in my life
that I will not ever forget!!
If you are one of Debbie Goh's fans too,
you may add her Facebook Fans Page [HERE]
Hopefully, you all enjoy viewing at this post & the pics as well^^