"Half Day Stand" v Debbie Goh [Part 1]

Posted: 27 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Weekdays are always hectic to me~
Thanks God that it comes to weekends again
where I got a lil bit spare time to update my blog^^
Hope y'all will forgive me of my late update, really sorry ya~
Let's get back to what I mentioned earlier where I wana share
with y'all about my one night stand 
"Whole Night Stand" with my favorite idol!!!!
Actually, it's NOT really consider as "Whole Night Stand"
where "Half Day Stand" is more appropriate^^
If y'all did follow + read my blog since 2 years ago,
I'm sure you know who is the 1 that I'm talking about^^
If ya still scratching your head,
let me show you some tips..




~Age of Glory~
Ha..have you ever watched this famous local chinese drama??
I'm sure most of those chinese educated esp.
uncles & aunties do aware of this drama^^
Hmm..no idea too??
Okok..check out the pic below whether you recognise her or not??




Do you know who she is??
If you..you..you..still can't figure it out~ Nvm nvm..
Her name is Debbie Goh (吴天瑜)
If you wish +wanna view more of what I've blogged about her
in my previous post, you can click at any of of the title below:


Without any delay,
let's me share couple of pics with y'all during 
my "Half Day Stand" with her^^

On my previous trip to Penang, 
I've got the chance to meet her!!!
Oh my gosh, it's such like dream comes true!!
1stly, I gotta thanks million thanks to 1 of Debbie's great supporters
who is also the leader+creator of 
Debbie's Facebook Fans Page.
Proudly to introduce her name: LC
She's the 1 who arranged this meet up session with Debbie Goh^^
Without her,
I don't think there will be such golden chance to meet Debbie Goh^^
We've taken quite numbers of pic with Debbie Goh,
scroll down and please don't be jealous envy ya *grin*
Just kidding and do enjoy^^




Debbie & me^^
What a silly expression that I got there!!
You might ask "Is this really Debbie Goh??"
& you might ask too "Why is she wearing such outfit??"
For ya info,
we met her during her shooting for an upcoming local drama!!
So, she didn't manage to change her outfit 
cz she gotta back to shooting again^^


Doesn't she look "man"/macho+handsome 
in guy's outfit??


I'm superbbbbbbbbbbb glad to meet her!!!
I never thought that I could take pic with her at such close distance!!
I *heart* this pic the most where 
I smile so happiely & she looks great too!!


There were other fans who met her too^^


Debbie & LC^^
Both of them are just like sisters!!


Wei Shi & Debbie^^


Debbie & my dada^^
Don't you think that both of them like "brothers"??
(You know what, I laughed at my dada that he's shorter than Debbie)
I know I'm evil bad but that's a fact as you can see it in this pic!!!


Debbie's so friendly+kind enough that 
she asked me and my dada to take pic with her!!!
U see..U see..Debbie smile so prettily just like a "Big Boss"
where me & my dada look like her "ma zai"/ followers^^


Ahaaaa..this is nice^^


I didn't manage to capture 2 more fans' pictures
but let's scroll down to check out the group pics with Debbie!!!


Take 1^^
Errrr..seems like some ppl are not ready yet~
Adui..LC (clockwise from left), she looks numb ler~~


Take 2^^
Everyone smiles nicely but LC (clockwise from left),
she looks so pity who stand kinda far eh~~


I gotta stop here cz I afraid y'all couldn't digest
if I continue to share more  pics in this post as this post is kinda long adi~~
So, it's to be continued..
Stay tune & I hope you guys enjoy viewing + reading^^

P'nang Tripz @ Day 2 (Tanjung Bunga)

Posted: 19 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Here it comes to the Day 2 of my P'nang tripz^^ 
I'm going to aggregate my "Day 2" pics into 3 posts 
cz it's superb long if I wanted to put it altogether in 1 single post~
We went to Tanjung Bunga in the morning 
while waiting for my bf's nephew whom went 
for swimming lesson nearby~~
Let's check out what am I gonna share with y'all 2day^^




Blue Blue Sky~

Great Condo view which facing the blue blue sea^^

You won't regret to be there^^

Sparkling Beach which full of shells^^


Ha..I purposely wrote this to show off prove that I've been there!!

~Clam or so-called "Lala" (in cantonese)~
My dada found it!! *give him a big applause*

I dunno what does it call..but it's always hide in the shell 
that we may usually find on the sand..
Again, my dada found it too!! :P

After digging and digging for so hard..
my dada could only found this 3 tiny creatures^^

Actually, it's kinda look like "crab" (from its characteristic)

Whoa...it gonna crushes the condo soon!!!

~Poor lil' "unknown"~

~It's really soothing to sit down on the bright crystal sand~
Yes, we gotta live our life to the fullest!!

Not only that, we gotta  
enjoy our life to the fullest too!!
After working hour, we should relax!!


That's all for 2day,
Stay tune for the 2nd post of my "Day 2 in P'nang"!!
cz I had One Night Stand "Whole Night Stand"
with my favourite idol!!!


Visiting P'nang @ Day 1^^

Posted: 18 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: , , ,

What's up..what's up?? Did I inform y'all that I work as a primary sch teacher right now?? I bet no right?? Well, I'm having 1 week of holiday which started last Saturday. So, I've spent half of my holiday in the sweet island called Penang^.^ 

This was my 2nd time to Penang!! I really had a fruitful trip if compare to the 1st time~ I've been to lotsa places, met lotsa friendly ppl and eaten lotsa nice food!! In this post, I'm gonna share couple of pics which took on Day 1 of my P'nang Tripz^^

Without any hesitation, let the pictures do the "talking"^^




~Northam Beach Cafe~

~Nice "Blue-ish" Lighting~

~It's superb CROWDED~

~Warm+Soothing ambience~

~Surprisingly, I found Philippine Food~

~A pic with my dada's family~

~My dada & his family~

~Deco which placed in front of the main door~

~Penang Bridge-One of the main attractions in Penang~

~The Ferry~

~Welcome to Penang~

~After having dinner, 
we went to the seashore which situated at the 
"IJM residential"~

~Cool "Blue-ish" Pillars"~

~There are total 4 superb tall pillars~

~They smile so naturally+happily~

~An idiot trying to become VAMPIRE??~

~I've no idea what's this~

~My dada's sisters, sister-in-law, nephew & niece~

~Mr.Eric Lee- A superb active + talkative boy~

~The residential near the seashore which cost more than 1 million!!~


That's all of my 1st day in P'nang^^
We reached there around 8pm, that's why we didn't visit much places!!

Anyway, stay tune for my Day 2 in P'nang!!
*heart* y'all^^

“I’m going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair”

Posted: 18 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels:

I wish...

I wish to..

I wish to become..

I wish to become as..

I wish to become as fat..

I wish to become as fat as..

I wish to become as fast as a..



The question is..
Where and When can this be REALIZED??

Nuffnang did send me a good news about it^^

Let's check it out What is it all about..
Where and When will it be held..



Have you heard Gatsby before??
If no, check out the Gatsby Ads below:


For ya info,
Gatsby is going to hold a very HAPPENING event named:

~Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair~
Date: 17 April 2010
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, 
Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come closer..
Let me tell you ar...
During the event,
there are lotsa various cool gadgets 
worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs!!!
you are RM15,000 richer than others!!!
Not only that,
Lucky draws session is on too!!!
Hold on..hold on..not yet finish..
There are also exciting fun-fair games 
such as Gladiator battles..


Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits)!!!
this is what am I talking about at the 1st place!!!
cz I wanna take part in this game!!!
Many many fun-fair games await you!!!
So, what ya waiting for..
mark down the date of this event on your calendar now!!
For more info, check out the link below:

See you there!!!

Lisa717 is BACK!!

Posted: 07 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Dearest readers and Beloved friends,
How are you guys doing &bla bla bla??
Do you guys still love remember me & my tiny blog??
I'm so sorry of my superb short long disappearance in this blogsphere!!
I would like to take this opportunity to curse VOW to you all
that I'll update my blog within a week!!
*I crossed my mouth heart*
Along this 3 months of my disappearance from this world blogsphere,
there were actually lotsa accidents incidents happened to me^^
I wont share in this post but I will do so in the coming days~
Without any delay,
would like to share a pic with y'all that I took today with my gf^^




we've been to Sing K session in the morning from 10am-1pm^^
Thought I cant sing well, I still love to sing to release my tensions!!
If you love to Sing k too, kindly invite me ya..I will surely attend if I'm free!!
Alright, it's almost 12pm.
I gotta stop right here^^
Hope to blog again sooner or later~
Goodnight everyone 
and wish y'all have great weekdays ahead!!