"Half Day Stand" v Debbie Goh [Part 1]
Posted: 27 March 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: Debbie Goh, penang, travel
Weekdays are always hectic to me~
Thanks God that it comes to weekends again
where I got a lil bit spare time to update my blog^^
Hope y'all will forgive me of my late update, really sorry ya~
Let's get back to what I mentioned earlier where I wana share
with y'all about myone night stand
"Whole Night Stand" with my favorite idol!!!!
Actually, it's NOT really consider as "Whole Night Stand"
where "Half Day Stand" is more appropriate^^
If y'all did follow + read my blog since 2 years ago,
I'm sure you know who is the 1 that I'm talking about^^
If ya still scratching your head,
let me show you some tips..
~Age of Glory~
Ha..have you ever watched this famous local chinese drama??
I'm sure most of those chinese educated esp.
uncles & aunties do aware of this drama^^
Hmm..no idea too??
Okok..check out the pic below whether you recognise her or not??
Do you know who she is??
If you..you..you..still can't figure it out~ Nvm nvm..
Her name is Debbie Goh (吴天瑜)
If you wish +wanna view more of what I've blogged about her
in my previous post, you can click at any of of the title below:
Without any delay,
let's me share couple of pics with y'all during
my "Half Day Stand" with her^^
On my previous trip to Penang,
I've got the chance to meet her!!!
Oh my gosh, it's such like dream comes true!!
1stly, I gottathanks million thanks to 1 of Debbie's great supporters
who is also the leader+creator of
Debbie's Facebook Fans Page.
Proudly to introduce her name: LC
She's the 1 who arranged this meet up session with Debbie Goh^^
Without her,
I don't think there will be such golden chance to meet Debbie Goh^^
We've taken quite numbers of pic with Debbie Goh,
scroll down and please don't bejealous envy ya *grin*
Just kidding and do enjoy^^
Debbie & me^^
What a silly expression that I got there!!
You might ask "Is this really Debbie Goh??"
& you might ask too "Why is she wearing such outfit??"
For ya info,
we met her during her shooting for an upcoming local drama!!
So, she didn't manage to change her outfit
cz she gotta back to shooting again^^

Doesn't she look "man"/macho+handsome
in guy's outfit??

I'm superbbbbbbbbbbb glad to meet her!!!
I never thought that I could take pic with her at such close distance!!
I *heart* this pic the most where
I smile so happiely & she looks great too!!
There were other fans who met her too^^

Debbie & LC^^
Both of them are just like sisters!!

Wei Shi & Debbie^^

(You know what, I laughed at my dada that he's shorter than Debbie)
I know I'mevil bad but that's a fact as you can see it in this pic!!!

Debbie's so friendly+kind enough that
she asked me and my dada to take pic with her!!!
U see..U see..Debbie smile so prettily just like a "Big Boss"
where me & my dada look like her "ma zai"/ followers^^

Ahaaaa..this is nice^^
I didn't manage to capture 2 more fans' pictures
but let's scroll down to check out the group pics with Debbie!!!
Thanks God that it comes to weekends again
where I got a lil bit spare time to update my blog^^
Hope y'all will forgive me of my late update, really sorry ya~
Let's get back to what I mentioned earlier where I wana share
with y'all about my
"Whole Night Stand" with my favorite idol!!!!
Actually, it's NOT really consider as "Whole Night Stand"
where "Half Day Stand" is more appropriate^^
If y'all did follow + read my blog since 2 years ago,
I'm sure you know who is the 1 that I'm talking about^^
If ya still scratching your head,
let me show you some tips..
~Age of Glory~
Ha..have you ever watched this famous local chinese drama??
I'm sure most of those chinese educated esp.
uncles & aunties do aware of this drama^^
Hmm..no idea too??
Okok..check out the pic below whether you recognise her or not??
Do you know who she is??
If you..you..you..still can't figure it out~ Nvm nvm..
Her name is Debbie Goh (吴天瑜)
If you wish +wanna view more of what I've blogged about her
in my previous post, you can click at any of of the title below:
Jun 08:
May 08:
Without any delay,
let's me share couple of pics with y'all during
my "Half Day Stand" with her^^
On my previous trip to Penang,
I've got the chance to meet her!!!
Oh my gosh, it's such like dream comes true!!
1stly, I gotta
who is also the leader+creator of
Debbie's Facebook Fans Page.
Proudly to introduce her name: LC
She's the 1 who arranged this meet up session with Debbie Goh^^
Without her,
I don't think there will be such golden chance to meet Debbie Goh^^
We've taken quite numbers of pic with Debbie Goh,
scroll down and please don't be
Just kidding and do enjoy^^
Debbie & me^^
What a silly expression that I got there!!
You might ask "Is this really Debbie Goh??"
& you might ask too "Why is she wearing such outfit??"
For ya info,
we met her during her shooting for an upcoming local drama!!
So, she didn't manage to change her outfit
cz she gotta back to shooting again^^

Doesn't she look "man"/macho+handsome
in guy's outfit??

I'm superbbbbbbbbbbb glad to meet her!!!
I never thought that I could take pic with her at such close distance!!
I *heart* this pic the most where
I smile so happiely & she looks great too!!
There were other fans who met her too^^

Debbie & LC^^
Both of them are just like sisters!!

Wei Shi & Debbie^^

Debbie & my dada^^
Don't you think that both of them like "brothers"??(You know what, I laughed at my dada that he's shorter than Debbie)
I know I'm

Debbie's so friendly+kind enough that
she asked me and my dada to take pic with her!!!
U see..U see..Debbie smile so prettily just like a "Big Boss"
where me & my dada look like her "ma zai"/ followers^^

Ahaaaa..this is nice^^
I didn't manage to capture 2 more fans' pictures
but let's scroll down to check out the group pics with Debbie!!!

Take 1^^
Errrr..seems like some ppl are not ready yet~
Adui..LC (clockwise from left), she looks numb ler~~

Take 2^^
Everyone smiles nicely but LC (clockwise from left),
she looks so pity who stand kinda far eh~~
I gotta stop here cz I afraid y'all couldn't digest
if I continue to share more pics in this post as this post is kinda long adi~~
So, it's to be continued..
Stay tune & I hope you guys enjoy viewing + reading^^
Everyone smiles nicely but LC (clockwise from left),
she looks so pity who stand kinda far eh~~
I gotta stop here cz I afraid y'all couldn't digest
if I continue to share more pics in this post as this post is kinda long adi~~
So, it's to be continued..
Stay tune & I hope you guys enjoy viewing + reading^^