Crappy Wrappy:
For you guys information, I had fever + flu since last Saturday. Though I was feeling OK a bit on Sunday but unfortunately I started to have fever again in the early Monday Morning. Hence, I was MC on Monday and again MC on Today as well. Actually I was kinda worried whether I have swine flu or not cz on last Friday night I took LRT to meet my friend at Sri Petaling Station. As you guys know, LRT station is a superb crowded place so I afraid something bad may happen to me. Luckily, when I went to consult doctor on Monday. Doctor told me that I've recovered from fever but I gotta take medicine to increase my immune system. Phewwwww..I was superb relief of what I heard.. Thanks God that He always protecting me from any destruction.. Dear all, please drink more water and take good care of your health as the weather nowadays is very bad.. Haze is everywhere.. Wishing all of us stay healthy all the time ya :)
Hello Hello people,
I would like to apologize that I have been MIA
again for the past few days~
For your information,
I am still sick and this whole week
is not a pleasant week to me^^
I had MC for 2 days in this week!!
Gosh, this shouldn't happen!!
I'm surfing at Original Kayu Nasi Kandar Restaurant now^^
Let's get back to my promise to y'all earlier
where I'm gonna share with you guys the Miao Miao pics
I took at the Pet Expo!!
Though there're not much Malaysians esp Chinese loves cats
cz they find cats are dirty + annoying ~
Are you one of them too??
(kekeke..no offence ya~)
Well, I love all kind of pets as long as
they are CUTE + Friendly^^
(Sorry, if it sounds bias..)
Without any delay,
Let's check out the Cutie + Extraordinary
Miao Miao pics below:
Hello Hello people,
I would like to apologize that I have been MIA
again for the past few days~
For your information,
I am still sick and this whole week
is not a pleasant week to me^^
I had MC for 2 days in this week!!
Gosh, this shouldn't happen!!
Sigh, I could not surf to the internet at home as the P1 WiMAX has connection issue since the beginning of this month!! According to them, the issue could only be solve by the end of this month!! *roarrrr* @#@$!$$%@ I'm superb angry on this, frankly speaking!!
I'm surfing at Original Kayu Nasi Kandar Restaurant now^^
Let's get back to my promise to y'all earlier
where I'm gonna share with you guys the Miao Miao pics
I took at the Pet Expo!!
Though there're not much Malaysians esp Chinese loves cats
cz they find cats are dirty + annoying ~
Are you one of them too??
(kekeke..no offence ya~)
Well, I love all kind of pets as long as
they are CUTE + Friendly^^
(Sorry, if it sounds bias..)
Without any delay,
Let's check out the Cutie + Extraordinary
Miao Miao pics below:
It kinda looks like Garfield!!!
Dontcha think so??
act I not sure this miao miao is sleeping or meditating lo~
it looks more like Garfield if compare
with the previous cat~
Anyway, this miao miao looks like Angry ler..
I'm sure this miao miao does not want us to make any noise..
Excuse me, Mr Miao~
You are sleeping or meditating ar?
this cat looks "ba bai"/proud of itself ler..
It didn't want to at me while I took his pic lol..
Anyway, he gt nice looking fur^^
This miao miao sleep until like tat?!?!
Hello, dear underage ppl..
please cover your eyes with your feet!!
(aikss..sorry, hands not feet ar..)
come come & check out this miao miao..
Do you sense any difference of its appearance with other cats?
let me tell you la..
the extraordinary part of this miao is its EYES!!
The miao miao's EYES is damn big in Yellow color!!
Furthermore, if you see clearly,
it's kinda Transparent too!!
This is so obvious that this cat looks like leopard lol!!
Let's compare with the pic of Leopard below:

The 1st sight I look at them..I felt scare cz they r superb extraordinary!!
Let's scroll down to view few normal miao miao pics below:
Envy at this miao as he being so loved by his owner lol^^
That's all for today my dear fren^^
I hope all of the cat-lovers out there
enjoy viewing at these pics^^
Do send my regards to your miao miao pet
if you have 1 at home ya~
I gotta stop now~
Hope to blog again 2mr..
Btw, today is my B'day!!!
Yeah..my big big day!!!
Time flies so fast
& I'm Double 2 this year^^
I had actually an advance B'day party~
Will blog about my B'day party next...
Stay tune ya^^