My greatest X'mas gifts^^

Posted: 29 December 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Merry Belated Christmas & 
Happy New Year everyone^^
How did you spend your Christmas??
Well, mine were excellent & thanks God for everything!!
Did you receive any gift on this special occasion??
I'm sure most of you would give me the answer 'YES' :)
Though I didn't receive tons of gifts but at least
I'm super grateful of what I've received^^
Let's scroll down & check it out^^ *grin*




Surprised gift from my dearest dada!!
This time he was 100% succeed to present a surprise gift to me!!
Why did I say so?? It's because most of the time I can figure it out or I will force him  or even nagging at him non-stoply to tell me what he wanna present to me.. hahaha.. very bad of me huh?? Since he has learnt so much lessons, this time he really shut his mouth tight tight~~ Well, congratulation to him of his success!!


Super trendy watch!!
I *heart* it to the maxxxxxxxx!!
Frankly, my dada has fantastic memory~
He remembered I once told him that I love leather watch just like this!!
Even though it's not a famous brand such as Guess, Sovil, Swatch or etc.. Well, it doesn't matter because the appearance of it captures lot of people eyes when I wear it^^ (macam I suka show off huh??) The important thing is it was gifted by my dearest dada~~


It's not totally a leather watch!!
As you can see from the pic, it's partly a bangle~~
It's my 1st time seeing such watch.. nice huh???


Aheemmm.. *cough*
I'm just pretending to promote my watch~~ Please don't laugh me k?
I was way too excited while wearing it so I came up with such idea^^


Sweet letter from California by my dearest cousin^^
Though I received it today (29/12/10) but not on the Christmas day,
anyhow I find it's still very meaningful to me!!


What a cutie Christmas card which I *heart* badly!
It's a D.I.Y card by my cousin^^
Guess what, this is the only Christmas card which I received this year!!
Can y'all understand how I feel?? :)


Sweet greeting & notes which truly stir my heart^^
Frankly, we never met each other but we do keep in touch at FB~
I'm sorry that I didn't send them any card this year, hopefully they won't mind about it~ Again, Merry Christmas to my cousin- Jennifer, Mark & my aunt- Auntie Gloria^^ I hope I got the chance to visit them in the states 1 day in the future~


Alright, that's all for today^^
Not forget, thanks to everyone for their Christmas greetings to me!!
Again, thanks God for everything :)
Wishing y'all have a great New Year 2011 ahead!!


  1. Casendra says:

    Ahahaha... sweet! Nice nice nice :D and, happy new year of course!

    and yes, you shall get a huge group of people to go Huck's cafe so u can try out all his dishes! (But gotto wait bit bit lah coz he seems to be the only chef, is really like fine dining..hehehehe)

  1. congratz to ur bf xD for succesfully surprise u :D

  1. your christmas happening o

  1. Lisa717 says:

    Dear casendra: thanks thanks for the wishes^^ yalolz, agreed with what u suggested.. shud get a big group of ppl to go to Huck's cafe~~ wah.. only 1 chef ar?? sure the chef nid to drink lot of red bull lo~~ :P

    Dear donasky: hahaha.. i will pass ur msg to him~~ :) :)

    Dear nikel: muahahhaha~~ It's kinda happening lar.. not so^^

  1. cazzycazz says:

    OMG, we have the same taste for watches too!! Gosh it's a beauty really!!! If i see, i am sure i will buy it on the spot!!! It's a darling and your dada is soooo sweet! I love big leather watches too. Either it's with blinks like yours or it's really classic and vintage :) Really really really nice!!!! Hugz

  1. Lisa717 says:

    dear cazz: yes yes yes my dear sis!! it's so great to get to know that we have the same taste!!! muahaha~~

  1. Lisa717 says:

    dear ai wei: thanks~ may the same goes to you^^

  1. Tammy says:

    YO LISA! found ur blog!!!

  1. Lisa717 says:

    Dear tammy: hahahaha~~ yes, u did it!!!