The WINNER for Mini "Guess & Win" Contest is...

Posted: 03 July 2010 by Lisa717 in Labels: ,

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding~~~
Time's up!!! Time's up!!!
The mini "Guess & Win" contest
is officially ended!!
1st of all,
thanks so much for participating in this contest^^
Know what, you guys are rock!!
Before I announce the winner of this mini contest,
let's check out the freaking answer for the
pics that shown in the contest!!

Take a deep breath...

Are you ready??????

Can you spot the logo at the bottom right??
Do you see that??
The red circle at the bottom right!!

Got the answer????

The answer is finally unveil!!!!
The name of the place is otak-otak place!!
Click [HERE] to get to know this restaurant more ya^^
Btw, I will blog about my experience to this place soon^^

Teeheeeeee :P
I'm sorry if you failed to guess correctly :(

the smart & lucky winner of this contest is
Click [HERE] to check him out for more!!!
Congratulation (x100 times)!!!
Sorry to other participants if you could not get it~
Do your best in the upcoming contest ya^^
Bro Simonso, if you see this post~
kindly email me your name & mailing address 
at so that I can send the 
"tiny handmade card" to your doorstep!!!


That's all for today~
once again, thanks for your participation!!
Have a great weekends everyone^^


  1. Ken Wooi says:

    but the photo's otak-otak logo was cropped off in the contest blog post! haha.. so i wont know also.. =P

  1. Lisa717 says:

    If I didn't crop off, you guys will surely know the answer~ That's why.. anyway, thanks for your participation ya!!!

  1. Nice..hopefully there ll be one like this next time..Don’t miss my latest..very useful Check Here

  1. congratzzzzzzz to simonso here^^

  1. Oh congrats to Simonso!

  1. congrats to simonso...lucky fella...kekeke

  1. vivien says:

    sorry lisa, i m late to visit your blog ..hehe

  1. fufu says:

    ops i missed the contest >< will try to take part for the next one lol

  1. Visiting here friend..Nice..Special contest bring to u.. Don’t Miss it!

  1. wah...really lots of contest...