My UGLY drunk look!!!

Posted: 17 September 2009 by Lisa717 in Labels: , ,

Alcohol oh Alcohol~~
Do you know that you make me like a FOOL??
Why do I say so???
So sorry to say that I m not a "great-alcoholic-drinker"~~~
In another word, I am a POOR drinker as well~~

For me,
1 bottle of Carlsberg
is more than enough for me to get DRUNK!!!
*Grin* I know I m LOUSY but I really cannot drink much!!!
I look like FOOL when i DRUNK!!
Gosh, I just cant stop LAUGHING like a mad cow?!!?
today I m going to show u guys my UGLY+DRUNK picss...
Let's check it out below:




My oh My~~~
This was how I look when I drunk for the 1st time!!
Well, the 1st SIGN that u can see
when I'm DRUNK is my eyes will turn RED!!
Slowly, my face will turn RED too!!


a pic of me when I was drunk for the 2nd time!!
For this 2nd time, I was more DRUNK than the 1st time~~
Because that day was my farewell party!!
So, my colleagues wanna "kena" me gao gao..
I really felt wanna vomit cz being forced to drink the beer NON-STOPly!!
I stil remember that I gt sick on the next day ler..
Alamak, I'm a super duper lousy drinker la!!!



On my farewell party,
I've taken some pics with my closet colleagues~~
On top is Tien Xing and below is Tian Xin^^
Yeap, both of their names sounds alike
but look carefully at the spelling which are not alike!!


My kisiao (crazy) frenz^^
From left: Tien Xing, Yeong Chiann & me!!!
Miss you gurlsssss so muchhhhhhhhhh!!!


My closet colleagues at my previous working place~~
Frm left: YaJun, me & Tian Xin!!
Miss both of you too^^


I was fully DRUNK in this pic lol^^
Eyes superb RED + blur too!!!


Yeap yeap..
a pic dedicated to my dearest darling-YC!!!
Hope you love it and please stop EMO-ing ya!!!
Stay chill and gay gay all the time^^
Love ya much~~


I would like to present a phrases on alcohol drink to you guys~
Sometimes, you are resistable..
Sometimes, you are addicatable..
But most of the time, you are malignant!!
Please do not drink and drive k??
Please don't let your loved ones down & sad..
(Aww..seems like I'm helping the gov to raise
the Road Safety awareness campaign..muahahaha..*perasaan-ing*)



Alright people,
I gotta chaozzzzzz...
chat again soon^^


  1. Sometime, it's good to get drunk!

    To ensure our blood circulation went thru well! kakakakakka!!

    My drunk symptom : I keep on laughing like "soh poh"! hahahah!

  1. poor thing.

    if it's any consolation.. most ASIANs get red when they drink. Something to do with our capillaries according to my smart cousin who's studying medicine! hehe..

    and you don't look that bad! =p

    you resigned?? gone to another job??

  1. Ken says:

    Haha... I'm a loser when comes to drinking. 2 glasses of wine! That's my limit. =(

  1. Lisa717 says:

    Dear Elaine:
    Thanks so much for keep visiting me, my blog^^ yeah yeah..what u have said were superb correct^^ Anyway, I dun like the feeling of drunk which made me superb blur and tired^^

    muahahha..I've gt the same symtom like you too which is "Laughing like so po"!! Yeah..*high 5*

    Dear goingkookies:
    wow!! thanks to ur smart cousin on such knowledgeable info^^ muahahha...

    ya..i hav resigned and work as a tutor right now?? Life is so far so good^^ thanks for concern~~

    Dear Ken,
    wow~ 2 glasses of Wine is the limit?? Well, for me half glass is the limit adi..muahahha..I m the superb lousy larrrr!!

  1. haha, it is still not good to drink too much~~~(^^)

    take care!

  1. hey, i don't think you are drunk la...coz you still rmb to take a pict of you :D hehehe...

  1. Ken Wooi says:

    haha i only got drunk twice in my life.. =P

  1. Y.Chiann says:

    The 3 times u went drunk or high-ing also with me.. WHEEEEE... U got my blessing =)