Last night was kinda a lame-Ing night
where I had conversation with a sexy blogger in
Hakka Language^^
Actually, we did not plan to have such language of converation~ came spontaneously after I wrote sth at Facebook.
As many of you know,
we can write whatever we want at the column:
>>What's on you mind?<<
So, the story started like what I wrote below:
(sorry, if the pics are too small for you..kindly click it ya if it's too small)

At 1st, I was only releasing my
Frustration towards some ppl who did not reply my msg to them in
Hakka. I never expected that my friends in FB can understand it unless some of my hmtown buddies..Freakingly, there's some1 whom I think she couldn't understand had replied me that she could
Understand what I wrote wor..
*thumbs up* for her!!
Our conversation went on and on as follow:
Actually, I made a typo mistake on what I wrote, then she corrected me. Muahaha..paiseh la.. When we say "Ba Bi" in Hakka sortly means Great, Proud..but I wrote it in Cantonese pulak >> Ba Bai<<..thanks sexy Carol of correcting me lol :XD .
Hmm..then our conversation ended up where our sexy Carol gave up that it's kinda Hard to find what word matches what word wor..Some more, she added "Pain in the ass"!! Hehehe..I knew it's a joke for the last part..but anyway, I enjoyed it cz we conversed in Hakka eh!! Don't play play ar~~ :P
Since I've mentioned on our
sexy Carol at the 1st place,
Let me introduce my
new blogger pal a bit bit lar^^
She is
Caroline Tsau^^
I din bluff lo..she looks
sexy+hot+pretty eh in this pic!!
You guys may visit her blog [
Though I knew her not long enough, but I believe she is those kind or person who
treasures + appreciates Friendship^^ She loves her friends so much & she does cherish the happie moments that she had with her dearest friends^^
(Dear Carol, I hope I didn't state wrongly ya, forgive me if it's wrong wor.."zo yin ngm shu an ba bi ar!!":XD).
Though we had a Lame conversation,
but thanks her for cheering me up
when I was in the midst of Frustration^^
Nice meeting you once again,
do study hard hard for your coming exam ya^^
Wish you all the best in your future undertakings^^
That's all for today~
See you guys again 2mr^^
hahhaha..lame but funny!!
ohya...i nanged urs...can u help me nang as well?