The Happiest Moment of My 21st B'day^^
Posted: 15 July 2008 by Lisa717 in Labels: 21st b'day, singing b'day songbut how many of them have celebrated their 21st Buffday??
Thanks God that I'm the happie go luckie gal
who had celebrated my 21st B'day in advance at 11/7^^
Though my B'day party was not held at the Grand/Elegant Ball Room,
but I felt warmth+ contented that it was held at my house~
who had poured so much love & effort
in organizing a great party for me!
& not forget Ms.Winnie who had fetched us
to buy the party's stuff all the way^^
without all of ya mercy hands,
this party will not be held successfully.
their precious time to attend my party..
thanks you guys so much & your gifts to me^^
Okay, let's move on to view the pics below^^
the happiest moment of my 21st B'day party..
Lisa Happie Buffday while singing B'day song^^
(What's Choon Kit doin up there?? Ain't he gonna fell down??)
Hehe..after singing B'day song sure cut cake lol^^
OoOopss..tell you what, I did not make a wish b4 I blew my cake!!
(Can I make a wish rite now??Alrite, I had made my wishes..hehe)
.Say cheese to camera & cut the cutie cake^^
(Why there's a "purple cake" besides my cake??
hehe..share with all you more in the nez post)
There's few more not in this pic cz they gotta back home early..
hmm..nvm long as they hav the sincerity to come,
I will be veli much appreciated!!
All of us were posing in a different way..
Some were silly, notty, blury & some were normal posing!!
Thanks you guys in million thanks
for coming to my party^~^
Once again,
there's more pics to be posted in the next entry..
Be patient my dear frenz,
Not only stay tune but also stay tune..
wish my dreams come true^^
Praise to God with my sincere heart..
Your are welcome many time repeat....."fan' la ^-*
Someone say 1 2 "belanja" mi and Agnes eat good thing ooo..